Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Personal Statements For Dental Hygiene

Red Mary and the Castle of Prague Lemaneagh

Lemaneagh Castle, a beautiful mansion that stands naked but, now abandoned on the road between Inchiquin and Kilfenora, County Clare, is tied to the legend of Mary O'Brien in MacMahon, known as "Red Mary".

Lemaneagh Castle, Co. Clare
An inscription on an ancient portal to honor the memory of Conor O'Brien and his wife, Mary MacMahon precisely. Unfortunately today, the portal has been dismantled and rebuilt in a modern garden of Dromoland. Conor O'Brien built the portal to block the road to the inhabitants of the Burren, so that no one was able to enter or leave the region without his permission or that of his wife. Exasperated by this latest abuse of power, a local gentleman, a band of armed peasants and stormed the gate, forcing it and forcing O'Brien to grant easements seeker free passage to anyone.
's wife Mary (also known as Maureen) had a sinister reputation. Apparently it was devoted to strange and cruel practices such as hanging by the hair to its handmaidens in the tower of shelves, or worse, cut off their breasts! Of
she also said that he married as many as 25 different husbands, with a kind of "term marriage" that lasted a year and a day. Mary settled in the homes of several "husbands" of his most faithful servants, then suddenly demanded a divorce (readily granted by the unfortunates who found themselves a house full of killers, ready to reason with him) taking possession of the property. Mary was a
MacMahon, and as such had red hair (hence the name) and used to ride along with her husband, the head of their troops in time of war.
Their descendants, who had settled in Dromoland, told some curious stories about Mary and Conor. In a battle against General Ireton, the son of Cromwell, Conor O'Brien was mortally wounded, but despite everything, strenuously refused to surrender to forces of occupation. His men brought him back to his wife Lemaneagh now on the verge of death. When they arrived at the castle, Mary can not speak or cry, but cried to the men from the tower: "What do you want this man dead?". Instead of feeling that her husband still had the breath of life, Mary ran down dalla torre, e rimase teneramente accanto a Conor fino al suo effettivo trapasso. Deposto il corpo del marito, Mary indossò l'abito più sfarzoso che possedeva, fece preparare la sua carrozza e partì alla volta di Limerick, assediata dalle truppe di Cromwell con a capo Ireton. Arrivata al campo nemico, fu ovviamente bloccata dalle sentinelle. A quel punto Mary si mise ad imprecare e ad insultare ferocemente i soldati, facendo tanta confusione che perfino Ireton e i suoi ufficiali, che nel frattempo stavano pranzando, vennero fuori per capire cosa stava succedendo. Quando gli fu chiesto chi fosse, lei rispose : " Ieri ero la moglie di Conor O'Brien, oggi sono la sua vedova". Ireton, stupito chiese come fosse possibile, visto che lo avevano combattuto, but not overwhelmed, only the day before, to show them some proof of his death. Mary, promptly replied that he would marry any of his officers had asked his wife. Captain Cooper, a very smart and brave man, took her word, and soon later he married her. In so doing, Red Mary managed to save the possessions of O'Brien in favor of his son, the future Sir Donat. Another version of the story, said that Ireton sent five of its best shooters, disguised as hunters, to kill Conor O'Brien. One of them managed to seriously injure Conor, but Mary had instantly captured and hanged the killer. After calling upon his children, he advised them to surrender alle truppe del Parlamento, e come nella versione precedente, si diresse verso Limerick per parlare con Ireton e sposare Cooper. Al castello di Lemaneagh, dopo il matrimonio, Cooper stava facendosi la barba in camera da letto, e nel farlo perlava irrispettosamente del defunto Conor. Sentendo isultare la memoria del precedente e amato marito, Mary aggredì il nuovo sposo, e una volta a terra lo uccise a calci nello stomaco. Dopo la morte di Cooper, passata come "incidentale", Red Mary cominciò a dedicarsi ai "matrimoni a tempo" di cui abbiamo già parlato. Purtroppo per lei, venne catturata dai suoi nemici dopo l'omicidio del suo 25° marito, da loro uccisa e gettata nel tronco cavo di un albero nelle vicinanze del Castello, da dove si dice that his red-haired ghost bait at times, and follow the road in front of Lemaneagh, infesting the nearby streets and the Druid altar of the castle in ruins.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Does The 12 On Alabama Helmet


Prague, the Czech capital, also known as the "City of 1000 Spires", is said to be the most haunted city in Europe. This sinister name is not surprising, given the dark and violent past of the city. Along its narrow streets, winding cobbled streets, ancient castles and palaces in the Gothic ghost stories, ghosts and witches abound. These disturbing stories have been passed down through the centuries and still fascinate and intrigue all those that every year visit the city in search of ancient mysteries and suggestions. Ghosts of Prague's past, often clash with those of modern Prague.

Charles Bridge
The first step in a hunter mysteries in Prague, can only be proud and centrally Charles Bridge. The bridge is decorated with two parallel rows of statues of various saints, structured so that the visitor feels constantly seen from above, during the time it takes to cross the River. Apparently nothing unusual, except that, according to an ancient local legend, one of the saints depicted was not a normal dead when the statue was built ... The story goes that, in the 14th century, St. John of Nepomuk became confessor of Queen Joan, wife of King Wenceslas IV. When the saint refused to reveal to the King as the Queen had confessed, was imprisoned, tortured, thrown off the bridge into the Vltava and left them to die. Since then her ghost began to walk around at night on deck, until the 17th century when he was imprisoned with obscure rituals in a statue that portrays him. It seems that touching that particular statue, it acquires the ability to keep secrets safe.
The Statue of
Although the ghost of St. John does not bypass some on the bridge, those familiar with the occult and with these stories, avoid being in the area at midnight, for fear of encountering spectra of ten local landlords, executed in the Middle Ages. It seems that these spirits intonino poignant and plaintive songs, in order to frighten anyone who tries to approach the bridge at night. To complete the spectral picture about the Charles Bridge, it seems that in his time living an evil Elf water. This creature dell'Altromondo takes pleasure in grasping and devouring the souls of those who decide to commit suicide by jumping into the icy waters of the Vltava.
Il Castello di Praga è una delle più popolari attrazioni turistiche della città. Nel 1600 era la residenza di Carlo IV e delle sue quattro mogli. Il Castello è un vero e proprio labirinto, che collega tra di loro svariati edifici, cortili e la stessa Cattedrale di San Vito. Le cripte sotto a Castello sono visitabili, per chi vuole avventurarvisi, ma sembra che nei profondi recessi di questi sotterranei, i fantasmi delle mogli dell'Imperatore discutano animanìtamente tra di loro.
Non lontano si trova il vecchio Palazzo Reale, dove nel 1618 avvenne la famosa "defenestrazione di Praga", ovvero dove vennero uccisi, gettandoli dalle finestre dei piani superiori, due Governatori cattolici da parte di un leader Protestante. Questo episodio sembra abbia scatenato la Guerra dei Trentanni. I fantasmi arrabbiati di questi sventurati vagano nella zona in cerca di vendetta per quanto subito.

Praga. Cimitero Ebraico

Josefov, l'antico Ghetto Ebraico di Praga, dove il grande scrittore Franz Kafka visse per un periodo, è noto per essere infestato dai fantasmi del rabbino Loew e dal Golem di Praga, oltre che caratterizzato dal suggestivo ma sinistro cimitero. Nei primi anni del 16 ° secolo, quando gli ebrei avevano la cattiva reputazione di assassini di bimbi cristiani, il rabbino Loew decise di creare con la magia e col fango della Moldava il Golem, per difendere la popolazione ebraica dalle rappresaglie. Il Loew portò la creatura alla vita tramite antichissime formule contenute nella Kabbalah e lasciò che si mescolasse con la popolazione locale. Il Golem continuò ininterrottamente a crescere, finchè divenne così grande da essere cosiderato invincibile. Per questo l'Imperatore stesso implorò il Rabbino Loew di distruggerlo, ma questi era piuttosto restio a farlo, visto che la Creatura aveva difeso la comunità ebraica in molteplici occasioni, ma alla fine acconsentì. Il Golem venne distrutto cancellando dalla sua fronte la scritta in ebraico "Emeth", ovvero "Vita". La leggenda narra che dai resti del Golem sia possibile far rinascere la Creatura, conoscendo le formule suitable, but these have been hidden in the attic of the synagogue by Rabbi, and protected by a powerful spell, so powerful that not even the Nazis occupied the city during the Second World War, managed to penetrate this area of \u200b\u200bthe synagogue.
The Jewish Ghetto
The Strahov Monastery, whose two picturesque Gothic towers that dominate the skyline of the city, is said to be haunted, too. The ghost who wanders in this area is that of a poor woman who had lived in this place at the time of the plague. His sons died one after the other for the infection, and she used his small savings to sound the death knell of the bells of the monastery every mourning. When she finally died, it seems that the bells had continued to play alone, and that they continue to do so still, in some dark winter nights.
These are just some of the myths that animate the sinister Magic Prague, practically every street or square has some ghost story to tell. But Prague is also much more, so our journey is not over yet ...

The Strahov Monastery

Friday, January 14, 2011

Mucha Wedding Invitations

Ieri ho letto con interesse questo articolo , che mi ha veramente incuriosito. Dopo qualche ricerca in Rete ecco quanto sono riuscito a scovare su questo bell'esempio di religione popolare.

Santa Muerte o Santissima Muerte, conosciuta anche come "Flaquita", la Ragazza Magrolina, e' una Santa del folklore popolare centroamericano generata, come tante altre forme di religiosità del Nuovo Mondo, da una commistione di Cattolicesimo e credenze locali. La figura della Santa Muerte è collegata all'occulto e alla morte, appunto, e ha molti fedeli nelle organizzazioni di narcotrafficanti e in svariati other people engaged in illegal activities. The cult of Santa Muerte is structured in an official cult with a lot of priests.

is generally represented as a female version of the Grim Reaper, common representation of death itself: a skeleton dressed in a hooded cloak and wearing ornaments and sacred symbols. At shrines dedicated to religion is often portrayed as a skeleton wearing a dress with a veil.
Santa Muerte is invoked for many reasons, including love, money, health, protection and revenge. The majority of the faithful is one of those types of people that tends to marginalize the Catholic Church official, prostitutes, homosexuals, criminals various kinds, as mentioned above, but also police officers or people who for one reason or another may die a violent death. As the personification of Death, before which all are equal, Santa Muerte is not any kind of discrimination. Other believers are people who have appealed to the Santa Muerte in case of danger to life and, once escaped, they want to pay her debt by serving as a votive worship. The cult of this particular Santa is very popular in Mexico, but is also present in some areas of the United States with a large population of Hispanic origin.
should be noted that those who believe, do not consider Santa as a figure of evil, but instead as a force for good, much more affordable than the traditional saints. The followers, since they are almost all socially borderline, believe to get through the worship, a sacred protection from the many dangers they face.
Santa Muerte is probably the only form of Christianized Mictecacihuatl, the Aztec goddess of death, but there is no evidence to support this belief.
The hooded cloak with which the saint is usually depicted, may be of different colors, depending on which the sacred image is charged with different powers. For example, a picture with the white coat will be used for rites of blessing and protection, with a red cape and loving influence on issues with a black cloak will be able to remove negativity and evil eye. The multi-colored coat is seen as a powerful fetish.
Santa Muerte also has several items with different symbolic meanings:

The Sickle - symbolizes his role as a reaper of souls.

Libra - symbolizes justice, revenge, and the phrase "Death is the great equalizer."

The Globe - symbolizes the domination of the world.

The Hourglass - symbolizes the inexorable passing of time.

The Crown - symbolizes the idea that Death has power over everything and everyone.

At Santa is also, more rarely, associated with an owl or an owl, symbolizing wisdom and occult power.
Santa Muerte answers the prayers of the followers of fulfilling desires and ensuring faithful "just death." The cult is
officiated both outdoors and in sanctuaries, where the followers have to the Holy fruit, flowers (roses seem to be the favorite), liqueurs, cigars, cigarettes, candles, incense and marijuana. Often believers mounted into a home altar to Santa, complete with pictures and small statues. The Santa Muerte tattoos are very popular, as votive offerings. The folk magic, which are often used for ointments, powders and poultices, is an integral part of worship, just like anywhere else with Santeria.
The Catholic Church does not approve of the worship of Santa Muerte and does not recognize absolutely holiness. Several Catholic priests associated with the cult of Santa Muerte Satanism, and often the police dismantle Mexican sanctuaries and congregations, holding receptacles of crime.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Generator Tattoo Fonts

La Pietra Santa Muerte Blarney (Cloch na Blarnan)

Blarney Castle and the parapet with the Stone seen from below
called The Blarney Stone (Irish Gaelic: Blarnan Cloch na) is a block of stone embedded in the battlements of Blarney Castle, about 8 km from Cork, Ireland. According to legend, kissing the stone with a precise ritual is intended to give the gift of eloquence and flattery. The stone seems to have been built in a castle tower after completion of the castle, and therefore was not part of the original building (the stone fortress dates back to around 1210). The castle and its gardens (which are also rich in folk tales we will examine in a later post) are, nowadays, a popular tourist destination, which attracts thousands of people from around the world.

With Law on the stone, the word "blarney" acquired the meaning of "polite" or "smart-talking" (great example of how folklore has always affect the everyday life).
Some old stories about the stone even Cliodhna, a goddess of the Celtic pantheon.
According to these stories happened to Cormac MacCarthy Lais, the manufacturer of the Blarney Castle, to be involved in a process. He then appealed to the goddess Cliodhna to obtain legal assistance in this comparison. The Goddess told him to kiss the stone that he had first met on the way to the Court, on the morning of the appeal. Cormac followed the divine counsel, and in fact won that day cause no problems, using a talking Sciola and extremely convincing. After this divine intervention, the stone in question acquired the ability to give the gift of eloquence, or di “ingannare senza offendere”, a chi l’avesse baciata. In seguito MacCarthy decise di incorporare la pietra che l’aveva tratto di impaccio nel parapetto del suo castello.
McGlen sperimenta il Folklore in prima persona!
Esistono tuttavia molte altre storie sull’origine della Pietra. Alcune di queste narrano che la Pietra, originaria dell’Irlanda, fosse stata portata per un certo periodo in Scozia, prima di ritornare definitivamente in Irlanda nel 1314 circa. Altre versioni raccontano che la Pietra fosse un pezzo di pietra di Scone, donata a Cormac McCarthy da Robert Bruce proprio ne 1314, as a reward and a sign of friendship for their help in the Battle of Bannockburn. Although well known, this legend does not take into account the fact that if things had gone really well, the Stone should have left Scotland 18 years before Bannockburn! Another story reports that the stone was given to McCarthy by Queen Elizabeth I, impressed by the oratorical skills of the latter, unable to swear allegiance to the English Crown and engaging in a relationship of vassalage, without going to affect or diminish the their independence and their demands, without abandoning the commitments they had just made a real snake oil salesmen in other words! The ritual of kissing
The Blarney Stone seems to have been executed over the years by "millions of people," at least according to reports by the present owners, including many prominent personalities and great statesmen, including Winston Churchill himself. The Kiss, in order to function, however, must be provided in a precise way: the candidate should get the speaker ripita and winding stairs leading to the top of the castle, all'indierto lean over the parapet, and finally kiss the Stone for this awkward and dangerous position. Currently, the iron railing has protections in place and the kiss with the help of an assistant, but the experience still involves strong emotions and attacks of vertigo, as I experienced the same!