Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Swimming Trunks And Underwear

A bit 'of autobiography - a little autobiography

Sono nato in una calda sera d’ aprile nel bel mezzo di quei magnifici anni ‘80 a Potenza, il capoluogo (più alto d’Italia) di quella regione conosciuta come “la Svizzera del sud Italia”.

Dopo un’infanzia felice ed un’adolescenza passata praticando vari sport come swimming, volleyball and judo, I attend the high school and began practicing 16 years and soft body building and fitness since then I have not stopped, passionate about everything related to the welfare and above all holistic disciplines, namely those disciplines that provide for the mind-body connection, such as yoga, biofeedback, but also the gymnastics and Pilates.

In these years the desire to increase my knowledge in corporate and psychomotor urge me to attend a drama workshop and some by chance begin my first experience on stage and on camera during the making of short films. After high school

I found myself with great indecision faced with the choice of university faculty .... I loved biology, chemistry, but that history and philosophy and I realized it was really hard to make a choice when it is just age.
Eventually, in 2006, I decided it was time to choose those who had always been my inclination and my interests and I enrolled in a degree course in physical sciences to address biomedical University "Parthenope" of Naples. Years
very beautiful and very important ones of the university, where I served for two consecutive terms the role of student representative to the faculty council and the board of education coordination , Getting a lot of personal satisfaction and a very big wins.

During this period I work for a local newspaper, dealing with the drafting of sports goods such as public relations manager of a women's basketball team in the series B National.
In July, 2009 (in just 32 months, grant me this bit of pride!) I graduate, getting the maximum votes in the discussion of the thesis and compliments of the Committee for a final grade of 108/110 ... I remember him as one of the best days and satisfying of my life.

As mentioned above, a period of rich experiences, the most varied, from stage to television journalism and management in a local TV station Sky to the first circuit at various parades and beauty contests that I see the 4th in 2008 to Mr. and beautiful in Italy fashion-winning Italy coach in 2009, until landing in Tv, on the first and Raidue Raiuno onwards.

currently live and work in Rome, where I divide between my studies specialist (alas, I realized that the degree is not a point of arrival but it is only a starting point ...!) And my passion for Tv

Regarding my studies, in the wide panorama of Sciences, my interest has always delivered for the most educational aspects and educational purposes.
I deal mainly with the construction of theoretical models of efficiency motor learning in the disciplines aimed at achieving and maintaining the well-being. During this activity
independent research, still ongoing, I have devised an innovative method called "Cromogym, which provides for the integration of yoga, Pilates and color therapy.
I work as a freelancer with gyms, fitness and wellness centers for the exercises, the Pilates, relaxation techniques, yoga, personal training and body sculputure.
After graduation I completed in holistic disciplines, becoming Reiki master (Usui third level system), trainer of Energy Psychology (PEAT method) operator in California and massage at the 'ISU (Institute for Human Sciences in Rome), currently enrolled in the master's degree in science of prevention and rehabilitation activities at the University "Parthenope" of Naples.
Recently I started to treat this blog where I expose insights and curiosities on the now increasingly complex world of fitness and wellness, without any scientific pretensions, but trying to give information and instructions simple and straightforward, accessible to all, including those without a background in cultural matters.
I believe in the validity of the holistic view of the individual and my personal experience has led me to the conclusion that today a framework for psychological well-being reaches its goal with maximum efficiency only if it remains isolated and only if you open the "contamination" and therefore the contribution of other disciplines with the same purpose, becoming in effect a discipline "integrated".

And with this I hope not to have bored you, but instead you got a 'very clear idea about who I am and what I am, and I very much hope that you find interesting, useful and (why not?)'s Sometimes funny I will propose topics on this blog!
a bitch!


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