Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Special Blend Lrg Centennial

The image of the werewolf in Figure

Nowadays there is no sign of wolves in Ireland, but things have not always been so. At one time wolves roamed free throughout the island, creating problems for the people in a society that was based a lot on farming. The Irish refer to as werewolves or Faoladh Conriocht, to be protagonists of legends are not based on Germanic myths.

These creatures were not seen as man-eating monsters, on the contrary were considered a kind of protectors that protect children and people injured in the woods, and escorted them to safe the lost travelers.
still a talisman in the shape of a wolf is believed to ward off evil influences.

In 1185, Giraldus Cambrensis wrote the first story about werewolves Irish, taking on a true story told by the Bishop of Ossory. Giraldus told of a strange adventure happened to a priest

A priest was traveling with his assistant for a major mission to Ulster Meath. The two, stopping in un bosco per passare la notte, si imbatterono in un lupo gigantesco. Erano terrorizzati, e sarebbero fuggiti a gambe levate, se l'animale non si fosse rivolto loro con voce umana. Il lupo raccontò loro di come san Natalia, famoso per il suo scostante carattere, maledì il popolo degli Ossoriani per il loro stile di vita peccaminoso. Da quel momento due persone, un uomo e una donna, erano costrette a vivere in forma di lupo per sette anni, trascorsi i quali sarebbero tornati al loro aspetto originale per essere sostituiti da altri due malcapitati. Il lupo disse al prete che sua moglie era in fin di vita, e lui era in cerca proprio di un sacerdote per potergli impartire l'Estrema Unzione. Il prete allora segue il lupo e amministra il sacramento alla moribonda, dying in peace. In gratitude, the wolf reveals to the priest about some of the prophecies of the English presence in Ireland. The priest offered to meet again with the wolf, once he found the human form, but these did not show up anymore.

Another legend tells how the people of Ossory can turn into wolves at will. When a
Ossorio turns into a wolf, leaving her body at home, in a death-like trance, supervised by a trusted friend with instructions to not move at all. In fact, if on his return he could not find his remains, was forced to stay in wolf form for the rest of his days!
Fit wolf of a man completely lost his humanity, and engage in normal activities of the animal, hunting in the woods and undermining the flocks of sheep and cattle near the villages. If surprised or attacked while eating, the "wolf" istintintivamente fled back home, trying to regain his human form.

In Irish folklore, there are references to the theme of the werewolf in the whole course of history. For example there are stories about the tribe of wolf-men stationed in County Tipperary. The ancient kings of Ireland were asked repeatedly for their help in battle when they felt threatened by enemies too powerful. This might suggest a connection with the wolf- Norse warriors, the Ulfhednar . This correlation could be found wide acceptance with Viking settlements in Ireland , although, as mentioned above, the Irish figure of the werewolf has been developed independently.


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