Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Difference Furry Yiffy

The Pooka

There Fata in Ireland since the dreaded Pooka.

This is due to his habit of running around at night after sunset, making jokes and taking damage and evil terrifying appearance.
The form in which prefers to show, is an elegant dark horse, with sulfur yellow eyes and a long wild mane.
In this form, the Pooka overnight loves galloping around the countryside, knocking down fences, trampled fields, scaring the livestock to disperse and terrorizing the inhabitants of isolated farms.

In remote areas of County Down, the Pooka takes the form a deformed goblin who demands a part of the harvest from farmers at the end of the harvest. For this the workers often leave the field a small amount of harvest, called just "Part of the Pooka." In parts of County Laois, the Pooka becomes a huge, hairy bogeyman that frightens anyone caught outside at night, Waterford and Wexford, it appears as an eagle with a huge wingspan, and in Roscommon, as a black goat with curved horns.

This creature is the nightmare of traveling at night, to jump on his back and then throw them into muddy ditches or lose them in the peat bogs. One look at his pernicious, can stop the hens lay eggs and cows produrre latte.
Il Pooka è in grado di parlare la lingua degli uomini, e pare che a volte si fermi davanti all'uscio di una casa e cominci a gridare il nome di un abitante che vuole trascinare nelle sue scorribande notturne. Se questo sventurato si rifiuta di seguirlo, questa Fata vendicativa comincia a vandalizzare la proprietà del malcapitato.

Molte ipotesi sono state formulate sull'origine della figura del Pooka.
Il nome potrebbe derivare dallo Scandinavo "pook" o "puke", che significa 'Spirito della Natura'.
Tali esseri erano molto capricciosi, e doveva essere continuamente placati, o avrebbero creato il caos nelle campagne, distruggendo i raccolti e spargendo malattie negli farms. Alternatively, the religious cults of the Celtic World archaic, often worshiped gods in the form of a horse may have provided some kind of mythical figure on which the rural folk has also shaped the Pooka.
Other sources suggest that the name came by the Irish ancient "poc", meaning is "goat" and "coup poker".
The most plausible hypothesis is, however, that traces the origin of the Pooka to the cults of the horses, as they often were celebrated in the highlands and their mountains and plateaus are considered the favorite accommodation from this terrible Fairy.

There is a waterfall formed by the river Liffey in the mountains of Wicklow, known as Poula Phouk (Well of Pooka), and Mount Binlaughlin, County Fermanagh, is also known as "Peak of the talking horse." In some areas of the country, the Pooka is much more mysterious than dangerous, provided it is treated with respect. Sometimes it might even appear friendly, dispensing prophecies and warnings. For example, the folklorist Douglas Hyde, speaks of a "terrible steed, sleek and plump" that emerges from a hill in Leinster every Nov. 1, speaking with a human voice to people, giving intelligent answers to those who had put a question on what would happen to them in the first November. And this is why people used to leave gifts and children present on that collina.
Qualcosa di simile accadeva fino a poco tempo fa nel sud della Contea di Fermanagh, dove la gente era solita interrogare uno strano cavallo parlante sulla cima di una collina.

Soltanto un uomo è riuscito a cavalcare un Pooka in forma equina, e quest'uomo era nientemeno che Brian Boru, Re Supremo d'Irlanda. La leggenda narra che Brian utilizzò una speciale briglia, contenente tre peli della coda del Pooka, fino a quando la creatura, esausta, si piegò alla sua volontà. Il Re fece promettere solennemente alla Fata che non avrebbe mai più tormentato i cristiani e rovinare i raccolti, e che mai e poi mai avrebbe cercato di attaccare un Irlandese, a meno che non fosse stato ubriaco,fuori the borders of Ireland or intent on evil deeds. In these cases, he could attack with all the ferocity and viciousness of which was capable of.

The Pooka reluctantly accepted these conditions. However, in later years, seems to have forgotten his promises (after all we are talking about one of the most capricious representatives of the Little People) and attacks on Christian property and sober travelers on their way home, apparently continue to this day ...


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