Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pureology Shampoo Hong Kong


Sembra che il parto sia una difficile e traumatica esperienza per le femmine the Little People. Make many small die before being born, and those who survive are often stunted and misshapen creatures.

Fairies mature, the largely hedonistic and highly critical of (their) aesthetics, these children often find it repugnant, and have no desire to breed them, and then try to swap them with healthy children, abducted by the the world of mortals. The next creature left in place the baby in the cradle, it is generally known as the Changeling, and the ability to bring the evil in the family who had the misfortune to host it in spite of themselves. Every healthy child baptized or not too fussed, it is particularly at risk of being abducted and traded by the Little People.
However, the character and temperament, are the hallmark of a Changeling. Children are generally happy and joyful, and a child of Fate does not seem to almost never happy, except when some kind of disaster or calamity befalls the household. The Changeling screams and screeches incessantly at all hours of day and night, with an ever more stressful, which transcends by human endurance.
The Changelings can be of three types: the children fairy, Fairies old and decrepit that they want to pretend to be babies and inanimate objects, like a piece of wood, which take the form of children through the magic of being a Fairy.
Una caratteristica molto comune nei Changelings, è la pelle increspata e raggrinzita, di un colorito malsano tendente al giallo. La Fata avrà, quasi certamente, anche grandi occhi scuri, nei quali brilla una luce sinistra, che dimostra una saggezza maliziosa che un normale bambino non dovrebbe possedere. Altri attributi comuni sono varie deformità fisiche, come una schiena storta o una gamba zoppa.
Dopo sole due settimane dal suo arrivo in una casa, il Changeling presenterà già una completa e robusta dentatura, gambe sottili come ossa di pollo e mani curve e storte come artigli di uccello, coperte da una leggera peluria.
Nessuna fortuna verrà a una famiglia in cui vi è un Changeling, because the creature sucks up all the good luck that normally would be for a family. Therefore, these unfortunate people, tend to be very poor and struggle desperately to keep the ravenous monster that lurks in their midst.
A positive feature that this fairy may demonstrate is an aptitude for music. As it begins to grow, the Changeling requires parents "adopted" an instrument, often a violin or a flute, which he started to play with such skill that anyone stopping to listen, can not but be fascinated.

This story is from a village near Boho in County Fermanagh.

"I once saw a Changeling. He lived with two older brothers, not far from Dog's Well and looked like a withered monkey. He was about ten or eleven, but he could not walk really, just hanging around. He knew, however, play the flute so well that no one was able to match it. He knew old tunes, so old that the people had forgotten for so long. One day, he left, I do not know anything about what happened to him ... "

Prevention is better than cure, in fact, the popular tradition leaves us with many ways to protect children from the sights of the Little People. Place a crucifix or iron tongs above the cradle scongiura il pericolo di ritrovarsi ad allevare un Changeling, in quanto le Fate sembrano essere molto spaventate da questi oggetti. Allo stesso modo possono essere utilizzati alcuni capi d’abbigliamento del padre naturale del bambino, che pare sortiscano lo stesso effetto.
I Changelings hanno un prodigioso appetito, e mangiano avidamente tutto quello che gli si pone davanti. Il mostriciattolo, come detto in precedenza, possiede artigli e una buona dentatura, e quindi preferisce nutrirsi saccheggiando la dispensa piuttosto che prendendo il latte dal seno della madre adottiva come un neonato umano(per sua fortuna!). Quando la creatura finisce un pasto, domanda con insistenza dell’altro cibo, portando l’economia familiare al collasso. Nonostante l’enorme quantità di cibo ingerita, il Changeling non rimarrà mai soddisfatto e manterrà un aspetto magro e emaciato.
Ad ogni modo queste Fate non sopravvivono a lungo nel Mondo dei Mortali, solitamente muoiono dopo un tempo di circa due o tre anni umani. Alcuni riescono a sopravvivere più a lungo, ma pochissimi raggiungono l’adolescenza (vedi esempio raccontato poco sopra). Nel folklore, la morte della creatura è solitamente pianta come quella di un figlio vero, e in genere sepolto come ogni altro essere umano. Se la tomba viene scoperchiata, al posto del cadavere del piccolo si trovano solitamente un ramoscello annerito o un pezzo di legno di quercia.
There are cases in which someone who is mistaken is not a child but an adult. These do take almost exactly the shape of the person kidnapped, despite often show a much more sour and unfriendly as the original. The Changeling, in this case, will be a cold and aloof behavior towards family and friends. As for children, for adults as a drastic change in mood and personality may perceive an exchange.
A Changeling case be thrown out of a house. When this occurs, the human child or adult will invariably be returned unharmed. The less drastic method for rejecting one of these creatures is mislead the consumer and make them reveal his real age.
Another way, much more bloody, is to force him to swallow the fact with the addition of foxglove. His heart burn and will be forced to flee nell'Altromondo.


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