Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Much Does It Cost Wedding Monterey Aquarium

Pizzarotti Tav Tel Aviv-Jerusalem in the occupied territories and avatar

Appello  perché la società Pizzarotti si ritiri dalla costruzione  illegale della ferrovia ad alta velocità Gerusalemme - Tel Aviv che attraversa i territori Palestinesi occupati

Il progetto per la realizzazione del treno ad alta velocità Gerusalemme – Tel Aviv, detto anche A1, è  stato messo in cantiere fin dal  1995, ma ha subito interruzioni and changes following the opposition of Israeli society because of the damage that this would lead to the town line and the environment, so that many manufacturing companies have withdrawn.
why the route was changed and now, despite the lengthening that trafficking will suffer, will run through the areas close to the armistice line of 1949 (the "Green Line") and in ' Latrun enclave, and will pass through a large area located within the Palestinian territories occupied in 1967, home to Palestinian communities, including where many refugees from the '48 and '67.

This will not only damage to the environment (which is not tolerated by the Israeli population is imposed on the Palestinian population) to m constitutes a flagrant violation of international law, as , runs 6.5 km through the occupied West Bank, in contravention of international norms on human rights, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, prohibiting the exploitation of land by the occupying power. Israel, however, has expropriated Palestinian lands, in order to build infrastructure Permanent and exclusively to meet the needs of its civilian population. Once it is completed, the A1 will provide high-speed rail services for commuters only Israelis between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

The project also ties in the A1 long-term Israeli policy, which aims to implement the forcible transfer of Palestinian population, which will, once again, as is evident from the path, leave, since the removal of more land, will lead to the annihilation of the sources of livelihood, already been reduced as a result of the expropriations carried out by the Israeli authorities to build infrastructure for Israeli citizens and the construction of the separation wall.

The most affected villages are Beit Surik and Beit Iksa.

In Beit Surik, Palestinian farmers despite having suffered the confiscation of much land for the construction of the illegal wall Israel had managed to preserve an essential part of the livelihood of the village population, thanks to the 2004 opinion of the Israeli Supreme Court had held that the "Essential resource for the subsistence of the community" (1). But now in danger of losing it completely and permanently since, despite the planned route for the railroad A1 pass through their land, the Israeli Supreme Court (2), in this case, did not adhere to the 2004 opinion of the International Court of Justice.

Beit Iksa is a village that has welcomed many Palestinian refugees, victims of Israeli ethnic cleansing in the Ramle-Lydda in 1948. Then, with the war of '67 large proportion of the population of Beit Iksa was induced to flee again. Today 80% of the 2,000 remaining inhabitants are registered as refugees by UNRWA in '48. Israel has confiscated 40% of agricultural land in the village for the construction of the Jewish settlement of Ramot, while the remaining 60% is located behind the illegal Israeli Wall. On 10 November 2010, Israeli authorities have handed over to the village council of Beit Iksa another "order of acquisition of land, which will be used for the railway project A1 to build an access road to the tunnel and the construction of works side. Five hundred olive trees are at risk of being uprooted, and this means the downfall of families already economically weak, soffrono gli effetti della disoccupazione e basano la propria sussistenza sull’olio di oliva che producono.

In questo modo il progetto per la ferrovia A1 diventa parte di un  sistema infrastrutturale coloniale e di apartheid, che mentre provvede alle necessità della popolazione israeliana, nega quelle della popolazione palestinese che,  su queste terre vive da secoli.
Allo stesso tempo costituisce un altro passo nell’implementazione della politica israeliana di trasferimento forzato dei palestinesi che, dopo essere stati privati dei propri beni e cacciati dalle proprie terre, vedono completamente negato il proprio  right of return.

Pizzarotti SpA's involvement in this project, despite its obvious illegality, therefore constitutes complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by Israel.
In fact, the resulting forced transfer of population, (which is defined as "systematic, coercive and deliberate movement of population from one area to another, with the purpose or effect of altering the demographic composition of an area, especially when (the decision) ideological or political asserisce la dominazione di un certo gruppo su un altro”) (3),  costituisce un crimine di guerra ed un crimine contro l’umanità in base al Diritto Internazionale. 



  • Al governo nazionale, ai  governi locali e ai consigli cittadini di porre  end contracts with Pizzarotti SpA, and not to enter if not solve the new contract for the construction of the A1

  • To people of conscience, to enter into substantive divestment campaigns with respect to securities and financial institutions linked to SpA Pizarotti


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