Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pictues Of Lice On Hair


Cernunnos is a divine figure, widely recognized in the Pagan Thought, the God of Hunting, Forestry and fertility. Figure of a Horned God is omnipresent in ancient cultures and not limited to the worship of the Celts. The greek God Pan, the Minoan Minotaur and the Hindu Lord Pashupati, all figures are divine or semi-horned god with the emphasis on their masculinity, their indomitable nature and wild, the bringer of fertility.

Yet the Celtic Cernunnos is a figure much more detailed and complex, linking both historically and spiritually (and culturally), the Celtic peoples of Europe.
"Sorcerer" Lascaux Cave France
The oldest archaeological sources, identifying Cernunnos, comes from the iconic depictions and stone carvings found in Celtic areas of Transalpine Gaul, of 'Northern Italy (Cisalpine Gaul) and the southern coast of Britain. These examples clearly indicate that Cernunnos was adored by European tribes of Celtic and Germanic stock for an entire period from before 400 BC until at least AD 100. As happened to many other deities, cultures later assimilated the figure of Cernunnos its pantheon, which proves the "multiculturalism" of God, not tied exclusively Celtic area. The concept of such a wide spread of the "Horned God" suggests a common origin in Europe. This figure could be identified in some cave paintings found in France.
One in particular, called "The Sorcerer", depicts a mythological being similar to Cernunnos, a tall man with deer antlers and well marked male sexual attributes, as well as characteristics other animals such as the front legs similar to those of a bear.
This painting above the first representations of Cernunnos established several thousand years, but tightly fixed to the concept of the Horned God, in this case perhaps played by a shaman with ritual vestments engaged in a ritual to appease and propitiate the spirit of the deer hunting . A concept is widely applicable to the spirituality of the primitive Indo-European and, more recently, at the time of the Celts.

Cernunnos - Rock Painting in Valcamonica

The etymology of the name comes from an inscription Cernunnos this on a statue of the God found in some works to the foundations of the cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris, in the XIV Century. The statue, attributed to the Celtic tribe of the Parisi, listed on the bottom with the first letter of a word erased, "ernunnos. The missing letter is derived from the ancient Irish Gaelic, giving meaning to the name of God in the ancient Gaelic language, the words "Cernon" or "carnon" can be translated with horn and the translation into Irish Gaelic is "CERN", as well as in Breton and Welsh. Registration is then easily completed. All these words come Indo
"Krno. Translating literally, the name Cernunnos becomes "Grande (God) Horned" un appellativo perfetto per la sua immagine.
La più notevole ed evidente delle caratteristiche di Cernunnos sono le grandi corna di cervo, cosa che suggerisce una stretta connessione con il concetto di Natura, sia una sua raffigurazione quale Dio della caccia(il cervo era un animale molto cacciato e, la sua carne, probabilmente una componente importante nella dieta dei Celti). Questa idea di Dio Cacciatore è supportata da alcune sue raffigurazione quale uomo maturo, con barba e capelli lunghi. Mentre nella società Celtica sia gli uomini che le donne potevano essere guerrieri e cacciatori, nell'iconografia le cose stavano diversamente. Una donna significava fecondità e abbondanza, rappresentava il concetto di "madre".

While a man was the warrior or the hunter, the force that protected the clan and get food. Being always been surrounded by animals, certainly supports this idea, but that is Cernunnos was the God of the Hunt, but also the God of the woods, then appears not only as predators, but also as the guardian protector of those animals , which is closely related. Cernunnos is nearly always portrayed with a torc around his neck, wrists and horns. Given the fact that in the Celtic culture, the torc symbolized wealth and nobility, Cernunnos could be regarded as a great king, who shall hunt, and then not to support one family, but the whole community. The idea Celtic's wealth is in fact related to the abundance of the gifts of the wild, on which the Hunter God was in control, but also the possession of gold coins, a coin purse represented by material wealth with which Cernunnos was often portrayed.
Cernunnos the Cauldron of Gudenstrupp - Denmark


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