Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pearl Desert Eagle Grips

Mafia Kosovo complicity of the institutions "democratic" in the killings

L’insabbiamento della mafia del Kosovo: la cultura dell’impunità in stile NATO

Il 25 gennaio, il Consiglio d’Europa ha approvato a larghissima maggioranza la relazione che da tempo aveva commissionato dal senatore svizzero Dick Marty, ma ha ufficialmente ignorato le indicazioni secondo cui i combattenti separatisti albanesi del Kosovo hanno espiantato e sold vital organs from prisoners, towards the end of the war of NATO bombing in 1999, to detach Kosovo from Serbia. In particular, the section is involved in the Drenica Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), led by current President and the first post-bombing of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci. The Council of Europe, whose main function is to defend human rights, called for a proper judicial investigation, in particular by the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX).
(For a detailed analysis of the CIA report, see " Kosovo Criminal: the gift of the USA to Europe " Diana Johnstone, CounterPunch newsletter, Vol 18, No.1, January 1-15, 2011.)
The problem created by the CIA report is the same as that which has given rise. There is a clear judicial authority willing and able, to undertake a criminal investigation into allegations of organ trafficking. The accusations have emerged first in the 2006 memoir of the former Chief Prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, who complained that it had not been allowed to continue investigations on the evidence in Albania. E 'was because of this legal vacuum, which the Council of Europe has appointed Senator Marty to draft the report, hoping to stimulate some sort of legal process. But the problem remains. Most dei presunti reati, ha avuto luogo sul territorio dell’Albania, dove operavano le basi e le prigioni dell’UCK, ma le autorità albanesi hanno finora rifiutato di collaborare con gli investigatori.  EULEX è stato inviato in Kosovo per cercare di riempire il vuoto giudiziario lasciato dalla secessione. Tuttavia, come tutte le strutture del protettorato internazionale istituite per costruire un Kosovo “ indipendente “, EULEX ha paura di suscitare l’ira degli albanesi del Kosovo, e ha grande difficoltà nell’ottenere la loro cooperazione nell’indagine penale.
La copertura mediatica delle accuse del traffico di organi che coinvolge Hashim Thaci, è was too tenuous to create public pressure on Western governments, reluctant to bring the matter to court. Human Rights Watch has asked an independent European Public Prosecutor to prosecute the case, but there was no audible response from the governments concerned. Marty has expressed concern that the report will remain a "dead letter", which seems quite plausible.
Although the CIA report appears to have the same fate as the Goldstone report on Gaza, end up in the limbo of good intentions, the counterattack was launched. Strangely, the London Review of Books has chosen to publish five-page review of the Marty report from someone with a strong incentive to discredit him: none other than Geoffrey Nice, who as deputy prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague, has led to accusations Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic. The only real success of Nice in the process for five years, was to survive both the presiding judge that the defendant. The monstrous power of attorney, with a view to blame Milosevic for almost all the ills of a complex civil war that has torn Yugoslavia in the 90s, managed to send Milosevic in his grave before he could present his defense, thus saving the three judges il compito di trovare delle scuse per condannarlo, cosa per cui erano stati assunti.
La recensione della LRB di Sir Geoffrey (fu nominato cavaliere nel 2007 per i suoi servizi), da la possibilità di rilanciare l’azione penale della ICTY nella versione della guerra della NATO per il Kosovo (“ l’obiettivo era quello di prevenire una catastrofe umanitaria”) completa di dati standard esagerati (“almeno 10.000 albanesi del Kosovo uccisi “) e di omissioni cruciali (Hashim Thaci “ è stato scelto per andare a Rambouillet in preferenze del presidente del Kosovo Ibrahim Rugova ” – senza dire da chi è stato scelto, cioè il Dipartimento di Stato USA).
Il principale diversivo tattico di Nice era centrato sul suo attacco a un non meglio identificato “ testimone K144 “. Ha intitolato la sua recensione: “ Chi è K144? ” ed ha continuato a rispondere alla domanda affermando che K144 era sia la base per le accuse del Rapporto Marty che una inesistente creazione della propaganda dei media serbi. Un lettore frettoloso potrebbe trascurare l’elemento tra parentesi nella seguente frase: “ Storie dalla stampa serba suggeriscono che molte di queste asserzioni provenivano da un testimone chiamato K144, anche se la Del Ponte non fa mai riferimento a questa fonte nel suo libro (e nemmeno Marty, direttamente) .” In reality, there is no " K144 witness" mentioned in the CIA report. Nice quotes from the Serbian press does not correspond to the Marty report. The
Nice article was immediately taken up and amplified by an article in The Wall Street Journal , which enjoys a wider U.S. audience. Under the title " tarnish Hashim Thaci: the accusations are harvesting organs part of a media campaign against Kosovo? "(Conclusion: yes), journalist and member of the British Parliament Denis MacShane, has given a rough review of the review of Nice. "The very annoying, the second Nice, is that the narrative of Mr. Marty depends implicitly by an anonymous witness, 'K144', says that Belgrade has provided evidence of these atrocities, but that probably does not exist . "
Denis MacShane is an attack dog by the first award from the kennels of imperialism poodle Tony Blair. And 'member of the Henry Jackson Society, a gathering of warmongers whose model is the "senator from Boeing ," Henry " Scoop" Jackson, who in the '70s, with the help of Richard Perle, defended the aggressive anti-Soviet policies in a manner apparently liberal. MacShane's assertion to be " left" seems to rest almost exclusively on his defense of " the only democracy in the Middle East " which allows him to overcome the shortcomings of the communist threat, with Islamist terrorism. His " European Institute for the Study contemporary anti-Semitism" has published a 2009 report in which it undertook to define what kind of criticism of Israel constitutes anti-Semitism. Among them, describe the state of Israel as a racist attempt and comparing contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis. And 'member of the "Just Journalism " whose purpose is to di sorvegliare i media britannici sugli articoli su Israele.
MacShane è stato ministro laburista per i Balcani e poi per l’Europa, ma è stato sospeso dal Partito Laburista lo scorso 14 ottobre in attesa di un’indagine riguardante l’aggiotaggio delle spese. Secondo quanto riferito, è diventato il primo parlamentare britannico ad essere denunciata alla polizia da parte del Commissario Parlamentare per gli Standard riguardo le sue pretese sulle spese di ufficio finanziate dal contribuente. Le pretese di MacShane su oltre sette anni ammontano a circa 125.000 sterline, di cui quasi 20.000 all’anno per un ufficio situato nel suo garage, otto computer laptop in tre anni e dozzine di fatture per “ ricerca e traduzione "An elusive" European Policy Institute "which turned out to be, basically, his brother Edmund Matyjaszek (for his professional life, MacShane has abandoned the surname of a Polish father for the Irish surname of the mother). E 'was also involved in several minor scandals concerning the distortion of the facts. None of this seems to have damaged his confidence in himself or his career, which includes regular essays for Newsweek. From his writings we can gather that the only Muslims they trust are those of the former Yugoslavia. Apart from the diversion
K144, the attack of the Nice-MacShane Marty report focuses on two factors to which readers not familiar with the case, may seem a serious weakness. The report said not to give the names of victims and witnesses. The explanation for this is simple. For there are lists of potential victims of Serbs and Albanians who disappeared are presumed dead after being taken prisoner by the KLA. Without evidence, it is almost impossible to ascertain the exact fate of missing persons for over ten years in a country, Albania, where local authorities have refused to cooperate and have had plenty of time to dispose of evidence.
Regarding the names of witnesses, Mr. Marty refuses to reveal Himself to serious judicial authorities with a security program witnesses. This caution is absolutely necessary given the record of witness intimidation and even killings, especially in the case of rival Thaci and the KLA in the hierarchy of the clan leader, Ramush Haradinaj. Sir Geoffrey politely refers to this as " allegations of tampering with evidence .
Geoffrey Nice concludes its review on LRB admitting that the charges against Thaci need to be addressed, simply because they make a bad impression. Nice Thaci compare with the man in western Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, accused by Italian authorities to cigarette smuggling large. " Montenegro, as the Kosovo, può essere facilmente rigettato come uno stato criminale; e anche come il Kosovo, cerca l’adesione all’Unione europea. Djukanovic ha appena annunciato che attenderà e che lascerà la carica politica. Questo, dicono alcuni, è destinato a facilitare l’ingresso del Montenegro nelle organizzazioni erano disposte a negoziare con artisti del calibro di Djukanovic o Thaci, quando i loro stati sono emersi da un conflitto, ma vogliono in seguito avere a che fare con qualcuno di meno compromesso. Thaci potrebbe seguire lo stesso percorso di  Djukanovic, se le voci correnti continuano a circolare .”
Tenendo conto della abituale comprensione manifestata da Geoffrey Nice sulla malefatte dei “ our ", this can be read as recognition of the fact that both NATO wards are criminals of a certain degree or another, and that were useful to snatch away their land to the Serbs, but now it is better to take a step back puppets to make room for more presentable. Be prosecuted for the misdeeds, whatever they are, however, is beyond question.
activists of human rights of self-giustificantesi Western democracies, are uncompromising when it comes to end what they call "the culture of impunity " as long as it relates to, for example, Africa. But their impunity and that of their clients seem safer than ever.
Diana Johnstone Diana Johnstone is the author of Fools Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO and Western Delusions .
Translated by Alessandro Lattanzio

Kosovo organ harvesting on women and men still alive

To report a document of UNMIK, which points out the victims were several hundred

Andrea Perrone

One year after the proclamation of unilateral independence from Serbia new details emerge on the issue of organ harvesting. According to a document
UNMIK - the UN mission in Kosovo - there were also women and prisoners of war not only Serbs him into traffic in human organs put in place in the late nineties in Kosovo and Albania. It is not excluded that the surgery for the removal were performed on both cadavers and on living people. The latter died after the interventions made in the special "clinics" of horrors. The new details of the whole sordid and deplorable events have been broadcast by Serbian media, which is, however, shaking each other's political and diplomatic circles of Balkans after the adoption last month of the report by Dick Marty, the Swiss Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
Based on the relationship of UNMIK in December 2003, media in Belgrade have provided further evidence on the affair, which had as its main victims of Serb prisoners and the KLA terrorist gangs that involves, among others, the current Prime Minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaci, then leader of the same.
Transport of Serb prisoners in northern Albania, where they were killed and their organs harvested and sold, began in mid-1999 when between 100 and 300 people were kidnapped. From what has been learned from the report that UNMIK delivered at the end of 2003 to the International Criminal Court in The Hague for crimes in the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). But, according to what is revealed by the media in Belgrade, an official investigation was never initiated. A huge number of victims, said the report, the Kosovo Serbs were caught between June and October 1999. In early August of that year, some prisoners were transferred from northern Albania in other places of detention (private houses and industrial plants) in the center of the country, mostly near the town of Burrel, about 110 km southwest of Kukes. The prisoners were also in detention camps near Peshkopi, 50 km east of Burrel. According to the report, prisoners taken in centro del Paese venivano trasferiti di nuovo, a piccoli gruppi, verso una casa privata a sud di Burrel, trasformata in una “clinica” di fortuna. Nella struttura sanitaria fatiscente venivano eseguiti gli espianti di organi, che poi morivano e venivano sepolti nelle vicinanze. L’età media delle vittime oscillava fra i 27 e i 50 anni.
Gli organi espiantati venivano quindi trasportati all’aeroporto di Rinas, presso Tirana, da dove partivano per i Paesi stranieri, di regola con voli commerciali, il lunedì e il mercoledì per Istanbul. Tra i prigionieri condotti alla “clinica” nelle vicinanze di Burrel si annovera anche un piccolo numero di donne provenienti dal Kosovo, dall’Albania e dall’Europa Eastern Europe. The final transfer of prisoners to the "clinic" was in the spring or summer of 2000. The report
UNMIK, based on what is revealed by the Serbian media, consists of a series of interviews with at least eight witnesses. All transportation of victims and medical and surgical procedures were implemented with the assistance or with the direct involvement of representatives of high and middle ranks of the KLA terrorist gangs, as well as Kosovo doctors and other countries. Traffic, transport el'espianto, said the report was made by men linked to the Albanian secret police of the former government of Sali Berisha.


Kosovo, Western governments fear the truth

the Swiss rapporteur Dick Marty said that the United States and the European Union knew about the illegal activities of the Prime Minister Thaci

Andrea Perrone

Dick Marty pointed the finger at Western governments. For the Swiss Council of Europe rapporteur Dick Marty (pictured), who presented a survey of 27 pages of criminal activities and trafficking of organs of Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and members of the government in Washington Brussels and all were aware of what was happening in the region but have no intention of shedding light on the crimes of the Kosovo Albanians.
"Western governments always knew what was happening in Kosovo, but nobody did anything about it," said Marty, in an interview with the Slovenian daily Delo. In particular, the Swiss senator said the attitude of Brussels whose only purpose was to draw a veil over the whole affair. But the Swiss rapporteur
not stop there, noting that the former leader of the terrorist KLA, Hashim Thaci has frequently been mentioned in intelligence reports of the FBI, MI6, "but politicians Westerners have been consistently quiet, "he annotated in the interview. "All quiet - added Marty - this is the real scandal, not in my report that I only wrote what many have known for a long time." This emphasis by the Swiss rapporteur is confirmed by an American cable published recently by Wikileaks, which recalls how the former Dutch State Secretary for European Affairs Frans Timmermans, had warned as early as 2007, the United States senior officials in Kosovo were heavily involved in criminal activities. "Kosovo is run by people who live in crime ... having no other means of subsistence " Timmermans reported to U.S. officials in The Hague in the document published by Wikileaks. The EU police mission in Kosovo, EULEX, is now looking into the allegations, but the supervisory body is plagued by internal problems that prevent witnesses to confirm the allegations and to bring evidence. "There is no secret. All translators are local, there are many among the local workforce. This is why even the most confidential information have been systematically missed, "said the rapporteur. So Marty has not failed to point out that "if I had [a Eulex] the names of the witnesses I interviewed [as required by the EU], their lives would have been immediately at risk. " Instead, it is necessary, said the Swiss Senate, special investigation unit from abroad with a credible witness protection, something that I think Europe will be opposed as it was reluctant to act in the past. "Europe will not accept it - he added - because he knows that my witnesses really talk and reveal that most European politicians have always known what was happening in Kosovo." "Do you really think that Brussels is prepared to hear something like that?," Said Marty addressing the interviewer.



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