Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why Do Alabama Players Have Numbers On Helmets

Open letter to Marina Bortolani, the so-called investigation Valeria Rossi ... Berlusconi. ... .. and Montanari

Volentieri pubblico questa lettera aperta (già sottoscritta) alla Marina Bortolani, presidente dell'omonima Onlus che detiene la proprietà del microscopio Esem. 

La Dott.ssa Antonietta Gatti, il Dott. Stefano Montanari della Nanodiagnostics, prestigioso istituto all'avanguardia per la ricerca sulle nanopatologie, conducono ricerca in un campo che purtroppo disturba molti affari. Non è una novità che nel nostro paese la tutela della salute pubblica non conti assolutamente nulla, tantomeno se ostacola l'impresa, pertanto hanno usato il più classico dei mezzi per far togliere il disturbo ai due eminenti Scientists: defamation.

Ironically, the source of such calumnies, a would-be journalist (which is not registered as a) Valeria Rossi, will eventually become the new Joan of Arc de 'Noantri for a post with the as external to kill a deep respect Berlusconi has claimed that the seizure of the blog. What a coincidence, this act has caused a wave of sympathy for the "crude" censorship, unconditional solidarity with other journalists, in fact not even sure they do not belong in the same enrollment Valeria Rossi, was consecrated as a reputable investigation.
All this confusing premise to introduce the story of the kidnapping of the blog Valeria Rossi and Marco Cedolin two articles that illustrate the capabilities of this so-called investigation:

The Rossi gagged that Dr. Stefano Montanari announced the news and look back at the "happy" after the so-called "investigation"

The microscope of discord

Free search? ... We joked with links to the press conference where Gatti and Montanari put the lie to the slander

In comments to the above-mentioned articles Marco Cedolin you will appreciate the response given by itself, even under other aliases ...

I would however give importance to the open letter which I reproduce in full and can be found at "Democrat"

"Dear Marina Bortolani,
I write because she represents the Bortolani Onlus, owning a microscope that was donated through fundraising popular Stefano Montanari and his research on nanopatologie and which has now been removed for this purpose.

Taking advantage of its recent declaration of love for the truth :
"Solidarity in one of the best investigative journalists in Italy, as well as one of the most honest people known in recent years. Big hugs to Valeria, always committed to discovering the truth, to put the soul to make freedom of information and therefore often tricky for those who do not share. " Marina Bortolani
I wonder if, consequently, she is finally prepared to make clear to all:
1) the reason for the removal of the microscope Gatti and Montanari example scientists and thus research on nanopatologie (which, as you know very well, because owning a formal instrument acquestato through donations popular ad hoc, it is the first in the world, Italian record);
2) the popular movements of the donations that made possible the purchase of the microscope, (among other things, the precise cause "for research on nanopatologie Montanari and Cats" was never intended that the instrument was reflected elsewhere, for other purposes);
3) because the inability to join the non-profit organization;
4) why she continues to assert that the microscope is not working when it is so;
5) because it justifies the failure to comply with the clause that she herself made that Gatti and Montanari could use the microscope at least once per week.
Waiting for a friendly match,
Sincerely "

is followed by the signatures of many citizens who contribute to the purchase of the microscope and not just citizens who care about the research nanopatologie not be glossed over.
To subscribe send mail to Simona sbadituf@gmail.com riportando il proprio nome e cognome, seguiti dalla città in cui si risiede.
Peccato constatare come una blogger, tal Valeria Rossi finisca all'onor delle cronache perché censurata nel suo "lodevole" intento di far fuori una persona fisicamente mentre non suscita il ben che minimo clamore da parte del "popolo dell'indignati" per LA CASTRAZIONE DELLA RICERCA SULLE NANOPATOLOGIE.

Vorrei ricordare che si deve alla ricerca dei due eminenti scienziati la scoperta della sindrome di Quirra, si deve a loro la scoperta the connection between depleted uranium and sick soldiers in the theaters of war, they should also be clear evidence of harm from plants such as incinerators, coal, biomass and toxicity of many others, as noted above, get in the race for profit.
I understand that any means to acknowledge it is considered "lawful".



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