Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Santa Brigida, a goddess that was made Santa

With the advent of Christianity, the powerful pagan goddess was transformed the beloved saint of Ireland, second only to St. Patrick, St. Bridget. Questa trasformazione avvenne quasi letteralmente a Drumeague, nella contea di Cavan. Qui esiste un luogo chiamato "La Montagna dei tre Dei", dove sorgeva una raffigurazione di pietra di Brigid, adorata come Triplice Dea (vedi post Precedente). Con l'arrivo del Cristianesimo, la raffigurazione fu nascosta in una tomba neolitica della zona. Successivamente l'effige fu recuperata dal suo luogo di sepoltura e, dopo averla benedetta, collocata in cima a una chiesa canonizzata poi come "San Bride di Knockbridge". Nonostante sia presente in molte leggende popolari, non ci sono prove certe della sua esistenza come figura storica. Alcune storie sulla vita della santa ricordano come Sir James Frazer, una volta la chiamò "Una Dea col mantello logoro".

It is said that St. Brigid was the daughter of a Druid who had a vision about a girl who had to bear the name of the Great Goddess.
Source Sacred dedicated to St. Bridget, Liscannor Co. Clare
His daughter was born at dawn, while his mother was crossing the threshold of the house, so the child came into the world "either inside or outside," buy the state known as liminality, from the Latin "limen," a state that allows you to stay "between" places and time, between one world and another, between our reality and the ' Otherworld, the realm of fairies. Also in the Celtic tradition, lìalba was a very special moment, where large events could appear magical, but also a time when they could open passages between the Otherworld and our own. Personally I think these circumstances, together with those referred to in a bit, put the figure of Santa Brigida in light of "fairy" almost to the point of classifying the same as Santa Changeling. In fact, as a child, Brigid could not be fed anything except the milk of a particular white cow with red ears. Animals with this characteristic staining, were often associated with the Little People and all'Altromondo, further evidence on the possible origin of the fabled Santa addition, as we have seen in previous posts, the Pagan Goddess Brigid had with him two magical oxen. In Celtic society, cattle are considered the most valuable animals, revered as the bearers of plenty, and Saint Bridget, like its corresponding Pagana, was always closely associated with livestock in general and dairy in particular. As an adult he was always accompanied by a cow that provided all the milk she needed.
When she became abbess of Kildare, miraculously, the production of milk and butter from cows of the abbey was increased significantly, to the point of power a real lake of milk three times a day, and you can pack a hundred baskets full of butter! When he died, his skull was preserved in Kildare as reliquia, usato per abbellire la statua pagana integrata nella chiesa. Sembra che più tardi, dei soldati normanni abbiano trafugato il teschio dalla chiesa, e lo abbiano portato in Portogallo. Qui la reliquia della Santa giocherebbe un ruolo fondamentale in una cerimonia primaverile per la benedizione del bestiame.


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