Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Quirra, dangerous radiation? Also seized the sea in flames

A whole task force to universities, institutions, journalists for the protection of health that are not nothing to rely on the high incidence of tumors. I am really sort of like these prestigious universities who mourn for the cuts to the research they find nothing relevant (strange that the local health authorities have found something they could no longer hide of course).

if this is their "service" for the common good better than disappear least you save money


Quirra, radiation dangerous? Also seized the sea

The complaint comes from Bettina Pitzurra, IRS activist and member of the Committee for the Protection of the environment Sarrabus. "After diving underwater near Cape San Lorenzo Quirra , four tourists from Milan who lost all his teeth in a few months' said the teacher Castiadas the microphones of the reporters of" Current TV " the satellite channel on the Sky platform of Rupert Murdoch. In addition there are the complaints gathered by the prosecution in these days of Lanusei and the Flying Squad of Nuoro: several people have said di essersi ammalate dopo aver fatto il bagno a Quirra » , dove si inabissano i missili sparati da Perdas de Fogu.

Testimonianze tutte da verificare, dice Paolo Carta dell’“Unione Sarda”, sulle quali stanno lavorando g li inquirenti che stanno cercando di far luce sull’alta incidenza di tumori nei pastori e di malformazioni negli agnelli segnalate da un rapporto dei veterinari delle Asl di Lanusei e Cagliari. Il sospetto è che le attività del poligono, anche quelle risalenti a vent’anni fa, possano aver determinato questa che secondo i pacifisti è una strage. Si indaga per omicidio plurimo colposo, disastro ambientale, porto Abuse of illegal weapons, also failed to control. Now there are no more doubts, writes Corriere della Sera "in the polygon Quirra , where you play exercises and missile tests, there is uranium.

Two weeks ago, the prosecutor Domenico Sultans had ordered the seizure of evidence of the seabed in front of the Marine training area of \u200b\u200bSalto Quirra . Divers on the seabed had identified a number of devices a few meters deep. The investigation was initiated to determine whether there are relationships between the military exercises conducted in the area, and cases of cancer and malformations. The turning point in the investigation - Open in mid-January by Attorney Lanusei to shed light on the numerous cases of Hodgkin's disease that affected the population and some birth defects in animals - arrived Feb. 26 at the end of the inspections ordered by the Prosecutor Fiordalisi in two warehouses in the base and Cape San Lorenzo, after the rain had made missile parts emerge from the soil and radiobersagli.

"were seized five boxes where metal detectors have recorded values \u200b\u200bof radioactivity five times higher than normal and the entire store where they were kept," wrote Corriere della Sera ", adding:" They were also taken away all documents (rules interne, ordini di servizio, turni di lavoro, regolamento dei magazzini) con i quali si potranno accertare responsabilità, soprattutto sul fatto che sia all’ingresso del magazzino, sia sopra le casse, non erano stati posti i segnali necessari a distinguere la presenza di materiale radioattivo».

Una squadra di poliziotti e vigili del fuoco specializzati, accompagnati dalla dottoressa Maria Antonietta Gatti (responsabile del Laboratorio dei biomateriali del Dipartimento di Neuroscienze dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia) e dal fisico nucleare professor Paolo Randaccio hanno fatto un sopralluogo nella base militare facendo la scoperta che forse apre definitivamente uno squarcio sull’intera vicenda. Il materiale is now in the bunker at the University of Cagliari. "From an initial review - the ongoing" Courier "- the material could have been used during the Air German exercises carried out in the 60s and 70s and then buried after rehabilitation, but it is now up to specialists to expand upon the findings' .

controls in the two stores would be decided after the witness statements of two soldiers, a Sicilian and a field, having worked for two years at the shooting range with warehouse tasks in the stores of special materials. The two became ill with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma when they were still in service, told the Corriere. Subject chemotherapy, were returned to service but were reformed after a recurrence of the disease. The two former soldiers were reported to investigators the names of other colleagues affected by the disease itself after the service to the rifle- Quirra Perdasdefogu. According

"Indipendentzia Repubrica de Sardinia, despite calls to suspend all activities to enable the investigation, the polygon Quirra you continue to shoot. The independence movement claims to have received alarming reports by local residents of Quirra on a number of shots played Tuesday, February 22 by a large naval gun at sea from the port of San Lorenzo. Even in the following days would be continued on trial, according to the independent review conducted by OTE Melara, a world leader in the production of naval artillery and armored vehicles, guided munitions and anti-aircraft systems.

Meanwhile, the Senate gave the go-ahead to the fourth round of hearings, approving the verification of "possible risks to the public" and the possible suspension of the testing military base in Sardinia. But times are long and there is confusion on the survey methodologies to be used, Sirius Valent writes about "right to criticize." The stop may also never come. "By June 30, the government must make known the results of the analysis "of the Technical Committee of experts and deliver them to the Region. But the stop to the experimental work of weapons in the Shooting Quirra come only "when it should emerge from the analysis, objective situations of risk to the residents and staff of the base."

short, Quirra not close. "It will remain active until the summer, pending the outcome of the investigation," says Valent: "In other words, if you show that is really dangerous, then we close the polygon. But who will ensure the scientific validity of the analysis? ". Over the past eight years, recalls "the right to criticize" the area has been subjected to four investigations. The first in 2002, entrusted by the Ministry of Defense at the University of Siena, which ended with a "nothing to worry about" . In 2004, "everything is fine" to the experts called to conduct a study to epistemological Villaputzu. We prove the region in 2006, launching a mega-study of 26,000 inhabitants: "The result is an abnormal number of cancers hemolymphatic system, but not enough," explains Valent. "The direct link polygon-cancer is not clear, because nobody can prove or deny the presence of depleted uranium in an irrefutable way." Why do so many

flop? Maybe it depends on who does the investigation. The physical Nuclear Evandro Lodi Rizzini supports him since 2001 (interview in the Corriere della Sera on March 21 of that year) can not be doctors and environmental experts to find the radioactive material charged, it is up to nuclear physicists. Those who now, finally, were asked by the Attorney Lanusei to thoroughly analyze the material seized military base in Sardinia. From Quirra , environmentalists suspect may be an important contribution to shed light on various "syndromes of war" that hit the military remained in contact with dangerous projectiles. A recent examination

spectrometer in France, adds Valent, found traces of depleted uranium in the bones the body of a soldier returning from the Balkans: the case of Ludovic Acariès, who died in 1997 at the age of 27 years for a lymphoma, is now the attention of the French justice because family members have called upon to shed light on the death The Ministry of Defence. "Just like our boys back from the war in Yugoslavia and died within a few months of cancer," he concludes, "Right of criticism:" The interesting thing is that the same body of Acariès was analyzed in 2005 by a team of Italian : did not find anything, only heavy metals such as chromium and iron. "

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