Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Can You Have Diabetes And Be In The Army

Maghreb: between instrumental buffaloes a press release, counter

Agg 3/32001 Russia Today - conferma bufala dei bombardamenti
Arriva la conferma dall'emittente russa Russia Today: secondo i militari russi, che controllano via satellite la situazione in Libia, gli attacchi aerei con cui il governo di Gheddafi avrebbe crudelmente stroncato le manifestazioni nel paese erano un'invenzione dei media occidentali.

VIDEO- (subtitles in Italian)

Gianluca Freda

2/3/2011 at 14:45
Oil: Gaddafi threatens to replace Western companies with Chinese

2/3/2011 18:12 hours

Meanwhile, an advance of collection of excellent articles to help you understand what's happening in North Africa beyond the mainstream media propaganda ..
'll update this post again by placing them on this note .. there are still many

The Arab riots, born spontaneously and at risk "color" by Rebirth

riots and killings are the result of modern patient Massimo Fini

For a new revolutionary achromatism Gianluca Freda

factor revolutionary Google Tony Carlucci

of Popperian borrowed from James Gabel Conflicts and Strategies

The struggle for self-determination in the world Arabic: the alliance between the Arab dictators and Capital Global Site by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya Aurora

Revolution Maghreb and the superficiality of print by Marcello Foa Corriere del Ticino

chronological order, so before Tunisia (Algeria seems to have started it all but there are a lot of news), Egypt and Libya.


dikat Tunisia and the IMF: How the economic policy leads to poverty and unemployment throughout the world by Michel Chossudovsky

Washington faces the 'Rage of the Tunisian people by Thierry Meyssan Voltairnet

The Fuse Ben Ali and astute Western Alberto Mariantoni

uprising in Tunisia: another operation Soros / Ned? by KR Bolton

Tunisia unemployment of graduates engine of the revolt of Marion Solletty

Very little is Algeria, where the riots started earlier than in Tunisia .

Why not talk about it in detail?

Here some hints, "Maghreb in flames" by Alessia Lai Rebirth

The wanted in Iran, exploded in Tunisia di Fadwa Nassar Moqawama

Tunisia: da Ue soldi e riforme Fonte Ansa

  Tunisia: da Ue 258 mln aiuti entro 2013 (ANSA) - TUNISI, 14 FEB - L'Unione europea mettera' a disposizione 258 milioni di euro - di cui 17 milioni subito - entro il 2013 per aiutare il governo di Tunisi nella transizione. Lo ha annunciato l'Alto rappresentate per la politica estera dell'Ue, Catherine Ashton, da Tunisi dove e' oggi in missione. La Tunisia - ha Ashton added - will host 'in March an international conference on political and economic reforms, with the active assistance of the EU

After Ben Ali, the protests continue, but the protesters are not "brave "But normal" thugs "to stop.

Tunis clashes in the market

Tunis, dispersed event


E' di twitter e facebook la sollevazione egiziana? Di Giulietto Chiesa  

As for Egypt, February 13 the military alert that he dissolved parliament and suspended the Constitution pending amendment (who will not know).
Meanwhile, the Central Bank provides treasury bonds worth 6.5 billion Egyptian pounds (with the consent / approval of those who, on the orders of those who do not know) but the protests continue and the press already "mute" tone descriptive of the rebels as heroes before the departure of Mubarak to "troublesome" that cause trouble after he "chased the dictator." In short, "Mission accomplished, all at home and not bother?
Carried by La7:

"February 14, 2011 - The military in power in Egypt have called for an immediate end to the protests that have paralyzed Cairo and other cities' of the country . In another statement released on state television, the fourth by the resignation of Hosni Mubarak, the Supreme Council of the armed forces emphasizes the protests have a negative impact on security, economy and interests of citizens. In short, practically an ultimatum inevce people that continues to push for radical reforms. Today, the capital's traffic crashed for new protests to the streets Tahrir, proteste, lascia intendere l'esercito, che non verranno più tollerate, così come gli scioperi e le rivendicazioni sindacali. Intanto, si rincorrono le voci sui problemi di salute di Mubarak. Una conferma indiretta arriva dall'ambasciatore statunitense al Cairo. Secondo Sameh Shoukry il rais sarebbe gravemente malato."

Intanto i cyber warriors vanno ad incassare il premio? 

Egitto:incontro cyberattivisti-militari

La riunione per discutere di riforme democratiche

(ANSA) - IL CAIRO, 14 FEB - Un gruppo di cyber-attivisti egiziani, tra i protagonisti delle contestazioni che hanno portato alla caduta del regime di Hosni Mubarak, ha dichiarato di aver incontrato rappresentanti dell'esercito, per discutere di riforme democratiche. Ai colloqui ha partecipato anche Wael Ghonim, diventato voce e volto della protesta in Egitto. Questa mattina manifestanti in piazza Tahrir sono stati circondati da polizia e da soldati che hanno intimato loro di andarsene se non vogliono essere arrestati.


Revolution and Maghreb la superficialità della Stampa di Foa

Da reietto a paladino. Il raìs e l'Occidente di Luigi Spinola  

Libia, il leone ferito ma non è detta l'ultima parola del 23/02/2011

La prossima mossa di Ghedafi: sabotare il petrolio o scatenare il caos? Da ComedonChisciotte  

Mappa Dove va a finire il petrolio libico da Brogi.Info

Grandpa's recipe Wolfowitz Gianluca Freda

graves? Gianluca Freda

A war between Eni and BP oil? of Comidad

When Libya and saved the Fiat Ghedafi Andrea Angelini for Rebirth

Libya color revolution or not? Debora Billi

The 24/02 is spreading the (buffalo) for the death of Ghedafi but the price of oil drops

Russia fears effect Libya in the Caucasus and NATO's plans Selvas

eye, evil eye ... and military intervention for humanitarian Alessia Lai Rebirth

Casini prior conviction Ghedafi

Doubts Angelo del Boca deaths and mass graves in Libya

Libya: a military intervention is already underway to Lorenzo Adorni

Ghedafi: "Who does not love me does not deserve life" ... the propaganda in the service
Too bad the translation was wrong

Libya: l'irresistibile propaganda degli atlantisti italiani di Pulsinelli

Dalla parte di Ghedafi di Miro Renzaglia

Le rivoluzioni e la scuola ottimista di Sherif El Sebaje

Le rivoluzioni franco britanniche (per l'energia) di Etleboro

Chavez difende la sovranità della Libia da Selvas del 21/02/2011

French troops landed, the British and Americans in Benghazi? From the Corriere della Wrath

The Globalists are preparing to intervene in Libya under the cover of humanitarian aid from Wolves Einstein

Libya: a new American reset Andrea Fais

Seen This Movie Before: Libya, like Iran's Peter Ancona

Libya: Fidel Castro, the macabre dance of cynicism

If the streets waving the flags of King Idris Manlio Dinucci

Libya: It stinks of a conspiracy by calculated risk

Obama wants the Libyan oil Piero Laporta

Ghedafi born but resists alternative
note: in particular well more than one, while we take note ....

From Libya expels Ghedafi is 31% of oil imported from Italy BlogEko


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