Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Diy Brazilian Wax Tutorial

via Italy by NATO, NATO via Italy

Non è un retaggio della vecchia posizione di quando ero nel PCI, è una presa d'atto di ciò che la Nato è oggi e della necessità di recuperare la sovranità del nostro paese.
La Nato nacque per “difendere” i paesi che, in base alla spartizione del mondo decisa a Yalta, tra USA, URSS e Inghilterra,  erano stati assegnati agli angloamericani.
Sono passati più di 60 anni e l'Unione Sovietica non c'è più, ma la Nato è più strutturata e a guida USA di prima, perché ?
Ora, con la crisi libica possiamo osservare come si comportano le maggiori testate giornalistiche e le oligarchie politiche finite (tutte), volenti o nolenti, nella rete finanziaria, militare e culturale costruita dal pentagono e dalla grande finanza internazionale.
Gheddafi è il beduino incivile (e nessuno ci dice che le cose più brutte, come il trattamento dei profughi africani che l'attraversano per giungere in Europa, sono proprio quelle che noi europei abbiamo preteso e ottenuto dalla Libia, mentre le condizioni socio economiche dei libici sono  “invidiate” dalle popolazioni mediorientali, anche grazie alle risorse petrolifere).
Gheddafi è un pericolo per la pace in Medio Oriente (quando, sino alla vigilia dell'operazione che mira alla sua deposizione, ed in subordine, alla divisione in due della Libia, la Clinton lo definiva “fedele alleato”).
Gheddafi è un criminale perché ha massacrato decine di migliaia di suoi cittadini “ribellatisi” al dittatore (sono arrivate le prove della “bufala”, sia da fonti cattoliche sul territorio, sia dai media russi che mediorientali e americani, e l'ANSA, che aveva fatto girare la notizia ha poi dovuto  smentire, ma le strutture e sovrastrutture U.S. and NATO, since that time proceed undaunted on charges of massacres).

This last point is, for me, that the probative veltroniana and hypocrisy of the media in Italy that are owned and managed by the Zionist lobby.

Diradatesi nebulae media inventions about boys who call for democracy, it is increasingly clear that this is a military revolt, prepared and supported by the United States, so much so that dealing with ports, airports and oil fields (the news with for movies, the expulsion of some CIA agents from the territories "liberated" is nothing but a fig leaf to ward off the charge to be other-directed from the Pentagon, but, in my opinion this "non excusat petita" is proof of the real presence of fighters, agents and contractors, mold Blackwaters, in the preparation and conduct of the war. Moreover, if we have hundreds of Mossad and CIA agents in Italy, where the Pentagon is not preparing any secession - at least I am not - is it credible that they have sent to Libya and 4 to "revolt" has already begun?).
For those who pretend to have doubts about the programs the Pentagon has come today as the "gaffe" of Petreus, the American general who directed the massacres of "peace" in Afghanistan, the Pentagon asking if the one with Libya is a war and he, not knowing that on TV ... replied yes.

But let's get to the merits of the so-called "international legality".
Gaddafi and Libya should be fought because they invaded, says Obambush served with D'Alemini and various other "servant of two masters" (USA and Israel): \u0026lt;\u0026lt;He bombed his own people!>> ( leaving aside that question of "people" in arms, who started a civil war).
Libya is a sovereign state with defined borders and internationally recognized, so it is just and legitimate dissent and / or criticize the conduct of its authorities, but not "interfere" in its internal problems (let alone by whom these "internal problems" them organized).

But just stay in the Middle East and see what is orchestrating the Pentagon, with its NATO and the governments, parties and the media at its service, is but a petty criminal and staging.
Thus, there is a state called Israel, which has no recognized borders, which has not signed international treaties, which has ignored 72 UN resolutions, and that while this is the privileged partner of NATO (take part in maneuvers NATO military!), Europe and the United States!
Not only that, this state has massacred the inhabitants of Gaza, voted guilty of bad (did not vote for those who took the leadership of the Fatah movement after the assassination of Arafat), and of the massacre, as well as those of War of 67 and above there is conclusive evidence.
More recently, the Israeli army attacked a ship of Turkey (NATO countries) in international waters, killing 9 people including one American.
however, want to explain (Obambush and NATO, with a side of parties and the media on a leash) because Libya would not be right to intervene on its territory, while Israel occupies the territories of others, and in these territories and Palestinian Arabs, who does not recognize the bomb his employment, and imprison and torture them? Even President
of the Palestinian parliament, with over 40 ministers and parliamentarians, as elected mayors and also imprisoned and / or killed, not to mention taking and selling of organs from people on "death in prison" ...

I "pacifinti" pretend not to know, not see and are carried away by SKY, De Benedetti, Elkan, Honeys, Mimun, Lerner & Zionists various ..
Hypocrites. Fernando Rossi

For the Common Good


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