Saturday, March 5, 2011

How Much Is My Antique Go Kart Worth

Muos, Lombard and the "science" approve

"We have spent our whole science

" If you do not I had been convinced of the safety of Muos, which is not traded for no compensation, I absolutely would not be here talking to you, because there is no point in a hospital birth, or on the narrow bridge, taking with respect to human health ... " . Looks like this in front of city council Niscemi (Caltanissetta) President of the Sicilian Region, Raffaele Lombardo, to formalize his waltz on the earth terminal of the new satellite system that the U.S. military want to achieve within the nature reserve "cork". After the "No" and "Ni", finally "yes" to breasts: the Muos is "safe to 1,000 x 1,000" and "reduced" even electromagnetic pollution generated by the installation of telecommunications that the U.S. Navy operates Niscemi almost twenty years. That is why, according to Lombardo, they are unnecessary compensation and compensatory measures that the Region was prepared to offer less than six months ago, just a pair of vigilantes on horseback in the nature reserve, a center at the hospital to monitor the cancer and a suspected "city zone", but Messina Bridge. To convince the mayor, council and council that the Muos must one do, don Raffaele became a Niscemi accompanied by two "experts reported in a special way by the rector of the University of Palermo, a patrol of regional leaders, three Colonels of the army and an elected official, Alessandro Ruben (FLI), a member of the House defense committee and delegate to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
"We would like to reassure the public about presenza dell’antenna statunitense perché da come espresso dai tecnici in materia fa meno male rispetto a quelle 47 antenne che insistono già nel territorio di Niscemi”, ha dichiarato il presidente. “Il MUOS è funzionale alla comunicazione che serve per la sicurezza, dalla quale dipende la permanenza nella nostra terra della base militare di Sigonella. Il MUOS sostituirà l’attuale sistema ed è più sicuro. Mi hanno spiegato che 27 antenne comunicano e le altre 20 sono di riserva nel caso in cui si guastano alcune, mentre una piccola parte di esse resterebbe inattiva, entrando eventualmente in funzione solo se dovesse disattivarsi il nuovo sistema satellitare”. In verità le antenne USA presenti a Niscemi sono 41, sei in meno di quelle contate da Lombardo. Quisquiglie, ciò che conta davvero è trovar credito a Washington specie dopo quel maledetto cablogramma inviato il 15 giugno 2009 dal console di Napoli alle massime autorità civili e militari degli Stati Uniti d’America, in cui il leader del Movimento per l’Autonomia veniva duramente criticato per le resistenze opposte all’installazione del nuovo sistema di comunicazioni satellitari. “Contro il MUOS si oppone un gruppo di sindaci locali, che hanno usato con successo i media locali per diffondere congetture – non supportate neanche dagli scienziati coinvolti dai sindaci come esperti – che l’installazione pone gravi rischi ambientali alla salute della popolazione local, "explained the consul USA. "Studies of the Navy, validated by the Italian Ministry of Defense, show that the radiation of the antennas are below the limits of the Italian and EU". In cable is also stigmatized the behavior of the Regional environment that "delayed" the approval of the project allowing you to perform further analysis of environmental impacts. "Lombardo has little time for foreign officials," the diplomat added. "During his previous tenure as president of the province of Catania, the Consul General gave a courtesy call to 5 minutes, and regional president refused to receive both the former Ambassador Spogli that the one currently in office, during their trip to Palermo, in spite of his staff. " A reprimand, which must have left their mark in the next 18 months Raffaele Lombardo met on six occasions with American diplomats in Italy, the last time on 11 January 2011 in Rome directly with Ambassador Thorne. Purpose of the visit, according to a note of Agency, "U.S. investment in Sicily and the issue of satellite dishes in the Muos Niscemi. The meetings have transformed the President in a strong believer of the safety of antennas but also of the strategic importance of the military system. Colonel Francesco Maurizio Noto, chief of the second office of the Cabinet of Ministry of Defence, together with visiting Niscemi Lombardo, wanted to clarify that the "relocation" of Muos is beyond dispute. "This would lead to an increase of specific communications, that you should physically recreate all the support that exists between transmission and Sigonella Niscemi," said Noto. "We believe the Muos needs to be done and how I teach the cases I have personally followed the Vicenza and other situations, carry out all powers that the law allows us to achieve this national defense."
After the harsh words of the high official, came the most reassuring of two professors of the Faculty of Engineering of Palermo, Luigi and Patricia Zanforlin Livreri, "technicians neutral and certainly not employed by the Ministry of Defence or NATO," according to the presentation of Lombardo.
"We have spent our whole science, knowledge and objectivity, we tried to think who could have been born here and raised our children," said the professor Livreri. "We have spent the face, the University of Palermo has put the letterhead, the logo, the signature of the professor Zanforlin, mine and the director .... " For the record, the last two years the faculty of engineering at the University of Palermo has signed with the U.S. Army Research Laboratory - Department of Defense, two contracts worth a total of $ 70,000 for the "production electro- chemistry of nano-structured materials for energy conversion applications. " When talking about the neutrality of the academy ...

From The President made the MUOStro of Niscemi Lombardo, Antonio Mazzeo.

Bye Bye Uncle Sam


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