Saturday, March 5, 2011

Can You Eat While You Are On The Lemon Detox

Puglia: the costs and honors

The president of the regional Apulian has always championed the law, when the scandal broke in Puglia health, responded by promising clean and transparent. First, in February, the resignation - accepted - the councilor of Health Alberto German ('promoted' senator anyway), then the reset of the board in early July. Yet Vendola could not understand the conflict of interest when he chose in his German team in 2005. or when in 2007 stated " Alberto German I freely chosen - and I think I made a good choice - today and in the name of an idea of \u200b\u200bmorality and an idea of \u200b\u200bconsistency with my story, I ask German Alberto to stay in his place. "
Today Germans, by the right, is discarded by his former comrades and the Mayor of Bari Emiliano that at the time as party secretary of the regional PD, went to Vendola to intercede for the commissioner when the President of the Puglia Region wanted to replace it with Lea Cosentino.

It is a bleak comedy in which all are shocked and keep their distance, but then pretend that the other party involved to rebuild the board, yet for thirty years, each year, a scandal disrupts the health of Puglia. An evil that has ancient roots and that, in fact, pervades the whole of Italy.
Health is a commodity that anyone is willing to pay whatever the cost, if you need a CAT scan, rather than wait months if not years, one turns to his friend of his, is a system that does not need large criminal organizations to move forward and nourish, born and nourished by the needs of the poor and snaps to the right please.
is a consolidated system that supports doctors and paramedical staff are competent and honest persons arrogance and the inability to add capacity undoubted speculative and that humus has approached more and more health to politics and organized crime, remember the scandal of nursing homes met in Bari, which drain money, favors, bribes.
Meanwhile, the power systems have been increasingly fragmenting sinks and neither was made that moral rehabilitation was expected to be a changing of the guard, on the contrary it continued with the system of political appointments of directors administrative and health of the Boards of primary, all- fine di rafforzare la presenza della propria coalizione nelle istituzioni. 
E sulle assunzioni candalose non sono mancati i pannuccelli caldi: "In base alla normativa nazionale è la giunta che procede alla nomina dei manager in modo assolutamente discrezionale. Per questa ragione, ho voluto una legge regionale, che purtroppo il governo ha impugnato alla Corte costituzionale… La procedura è attualmente in corso".  Solo che la legge regionale in materia risale soltanto al 25 febbraio 2010, mentre Tedesco è stato nominato assessore nel 2005 e ha avuto tanto tempo per nominare quei manager che nonostante gli scandali e la crisi economica  non si sono fatti scrupolo di  aumentarsi i compensi (12 mila euro al mese i direttori amministrativi e 15 mila euro i direttori generali).

Del vuoto politico e culturale sul tema della sanità oggi si accusano i vari gruppi politici che si sono alternati nella gestione della cosa pubblica senza che si sia  mai registrato un gesto dovuto di etica e sensibilità. Oggi si entusiasmano le folle con parole e denunce, proposte avanzate e programmi politici all’avanguardia,  ma resta la fotografia impietosa di un miliardo di euro di disavanzo tra il 2006 e il 2009 dell’aumento della spesa farmaceutica e dei ricoveri, dei ritardi nei pagamenti e delle migliaia di assunzioni against the law. But Vendola denies everything, even if the denials, however, remain unchanged over the constrictions imposed by the bottomless pit of Health the responsibility for the closure of all hospitals in Puglia, the cut of 2100 beds and the introduction of the ticket on medicines.
remain the tears and blood of innocent : the elderly, poor, disabled, immigrants, cancer patients and emergency rooms crowded and even longer waiting lists and a system free of charge and honors increasingly unable to support urgent needs of the sick.

Adele Dentice


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