Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Chai Merchants Greeting

prohibiting all herbal products

The European Union, or rather, this body is not happy in the service lobbies gift blood of animals (ie wasteful Vivisection) to enrich even more Big Pharma is going to fatten the lobby also pass on all the herbal sector. Of course it does
exclusively in the interests of citizens, do not doubt.

prohibiting all herbal products

I 1 May 2011 the European citizens will suffer the most deadly attack on their personal freedom in history: the end of possibility of cure with herbal products using thousands of years.
The pharmaceutical companies, the real masters of the world and the real economy, those who command the Finance and our politicians, who decide - for better or for worse - of our future, have decided to eliminate the competition, which they consider unfair, natural remedies with which humanity has care and care for thousands of years. On May 1, 2011 it will enter into force Directive 2004/24/EC amending, as regards traditional herbal medicinal products, Directive 2001/83/EC of 6 November 2001, which governs the "medicinal".
But let's see what Article 16 provides for the quarter, (paragraph 1 letter c):
The bibliographical or expert evidence that the medicine question, or a corresponding product has been in medicinal use for at least thirty years before the date of application, including at least 15 years in the Community.
In practice (and this is the absurdity of the Directive!), If a company (after 1 May 2001), will sell an herbal product (plant or plant parts) on the label describing the features of "therapeutic" and or "healing", such products, even if it is actually used by thousands of years, will be regarded as a "synthetic drugs", and, as such, must abide by all obligations, trials (tests physico-chemical, biological, microbiological, pharmacological, toxicological and clinical) and authorizations required for chemical drugs.
Estimates registration fees range from 80,000 to well over 150,000 € for a single product!

you think a small or midsize company herbal can burdened with an expense like that?
Such expenditure if the pharmaceutical companies will only allow those who have imposed the Directive to the European political (mind you that the responsibility is also of Italian MEPs of all political!).
face of this destruction of our freedom, all media were muti, come se il problema non ci riguardasse, dedicando per mesi (e fino alla nausea) i grandi titoli delle loro prime pagine all'harem di Berlusconi, al Ruby-Gate, alla casa di Montecarlo di Fini e al gossip per casalinghe frustrate.
I consumatori sono stati tenuti all'oscuro su questa Direttiva europea che vieta la maggior parte dei rimedi erboristici di uso comune. I prodotti erboristici non europei saranno i più colpiti, visto che a tutt'oggi non è stato approvato un solo rimedio erboristico tra quelli usati dalle due più importanti tradizioni, quella ayurvedica (India) e quella della medicina tradizionale cinese (MTC).
Saranno vietati anche gli integratori alimentari contenenti qualunque erba medicinale che is not authorized.
The new legislation says he wants to foreground the safety of consumers by making it obligatory to indicate on the labels of herbal products approved, the possible side effects and interactions with other drugs. But it is likely that health-conscious consumers remain on the list surprised to find a wide plethora (over 100) of additives "bad" in most of the products registered (but not all). Among these, the detergent sodium lauryl sulphate, the controversial sweetener aspartame and sodium cyclamate, artificial preservatives such as E215, the E217 and E219, and various polymers such as copolymer of butyl methacrylate (BA), the polyvinylpyrrolidone and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The latter is recognized by government authorities to cause cancer in laboratory animals.
Among the products that will no longer be marketed Graviola is a natural product made from an Amazonian plant with which you can cure cancer. I know this substance as an acquaintance of mine, for about 10 years, keeps prostate cancer with the drug by almost ridiculously low price. In a study published in the Journal of Natural Products, has been shown that Graviola is not only comparable with Adriamycin (an anticancer drug), but exceeds dramatically in laboratory studies. A compound of the plant has selectively destroy cancerous cells in the colon with a capacity 10,000 (diecimila!) times the dell'Adriamicina.
How Graviola, lots of other powerful natural substances such as Noni, the talus, the echinacea, etc.. Will disappear and become unavailable. Consumers can only be cured with chemical remedies, the ones that have many side effects, contributing to the enrichment of multinational pharmaceutical companies.
In Europe the only ones who are organizing to oppose the destruction described above, are the members of the Alliance for Natural Health International (ANH-Intl). Alliance for Natural Health International is an NGO that works to protect and promuovere approcci innocui, sicuri e naturali alla cura della salute. L´ANH-Intl agisce in un'ampia varietà di campi, incluso quella della libertà di scelta, e quello dell'uso di micronutrienti e di prodotti erboristici nella cura della salute.
L'organizzazione è stata fondata nel 2002 dal Dr Robert Verkerk, esperto internazionalmente apprezzato in tema di sostenibilità, che continua la sua leadership.
Nel 2003 l'NH ha fatto ricorso contro la direttiva europea sugli integratori alimentari, e questa causa è stata con successo portata alla Corte Europea di Giustizia all'inizio del 2004. La sentenza del 2005 ha significativamente chiarito aree della legge UE che non erano trasparenti riguardo agli integratori food.
Recently Dr. Verkerk has told the media that his organization intends to initiate proceedings for judicial review of the European directive, starting with the High Court in London, with the hope of obtaining a reference to the European Court of Justice, challenging the norm for the fact that it is disproportionate, non-transparent and discriminatory, especially against non-European traditions. The Alliance for Natural Health International has already collected about 60,000 of the £ 90,000 provided to fund the legal costs of this initial phase.
I can only wish these people who are waging a struggle for the interests of all, the success of their initiative.
groped For those wishing to prevent this limitation of personal freedom of choice of therapy, you can sign the petition found at this LINK . A few minutes could make a difference!
Piero Nuciari
Ec Planet


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