Saturday, March 27, 2010

Blueprints For A Hair Salon Free


E 'COME AMBASSADOR ... ... ...

"The turning point of the future", "March 12 is the day of redemption of the honest and Prato" , "Prato can become the most important fashion cities of Europe, "" The City is no longer only because it can count the Embassy of China "," You turn the page, great result of the PDL. " They are a part of the securities in the days March 12 to 14, have filled pages and pages of the newspapers La Nazione Prato. What happened to sing a chorus so solemn Te Deum, to justify this optimistic vision of the Prato district irrepressible agony? Who has miraculously turned desperate lamentations, admissions catastrophic situation sunk in the collective joyous conviction of having passed the ford, that they are full, precisely, the "Turn of the future." But then .. What happened? E 'come Ambassador (Chinese) but without the feather in his hat, magician new king, leading away from the mysterious East, the precious gifts of peace, love, understanding and solidarity with the people of Prato angry and depressed. The oracle of the Rising Sun, received with ceremonious studied exaggeration in the corridors of power, he sat, composed and China, as still as you would expect from a descendant of the Buddha, heard and read the fastidious enumeration of the grievances of the city with regard to its compatriots systematic failures of the rules of civil life, continued tax evasion, illegal immigration and the corresponding spread moonlighting, poor civic sense (as a collective dirt, spit on the floor and bad odors). The talks, which continued in privately at a Chinese restaurant, according to newspaper headlines, were held in an atmosphere of friendly cooperation and mutual satisfaction. I know some say I'm a mix between an irritant and a Talking Cricket Pasquino provincial countryside. Maybe, but to me this riot unrestrained, this optimism a way, this too declaimed importance of Man came to Rome, gives me discomfort caused a slight irritant, a perceptible mortification. On the other hand it is fitting that this city, so established, also sticking to the ropes of the sky But for God, and so difficult without good reasons to support their violent and presumptuous arrogance but also rejects the temptation of a wanton idolatry? What we are losing in Prato in the North and South, left and right, it's just a sense of proportion. So it happens that events, meetings, events very serious turn into a comic opera that is not funny anymore. It should be noted that after a meeting of such a matter, there were no concrete conclusions, not a word was written. In China it is customary undeniable, even for the most marginal meetings, approve a protocol that starts with the proven statement: "Introduction to the traditional friendship between Italy and the Republic of China"
Let's see. Sua Eccellenza, naturale custode di due essenziali virtù (la millenaria riservatezza cinese e la forbita prudenza diplomatica), ha ammesso, ha auspicato, preso atto, concordato. Ecco, quasi testualmente, il sunto del suo verbo catartico .
Le autorità pratesi hanno diritto a fare i controlli ma è auspicabile che, oltre a questi, ci siano altre azioni per accelerare l’integrazione e che durante le operazioni di verifica, vengano rispettati i diritti dei lavoratori cinesi ( e chi deve intendere intenda ) ; i miei connazionali devono rispettare le leggi ( che altro poteva dire: i cinesi possono comportarsi a loro piacimento nella vostra città ?); per i clandestini io sono a Roma e non so cosa succede in Toscana (chissà che ci sta a fare il console cinese a Firenze!): comunque noi siamo contrari all’immigrazione clandestina ( in Cina ?) ; l’evasione fiscale deve essere punita e la Cina è contraria alla contraffazione (e chi ha mai pensato il contrario!); è bene che aziende cinesi assumano lavoratori italiani (come è umana Sua Eccellenza a rispondere positivamente ad una richiesta indefinibile dei suoi autorevoli interlocutori !)
Colpiti dalla foga entusiastica delle interviste e delle dichiarazioni post –visitam ci verrebbe da esclamare, parodiando gli appassionati gridolini filo-americani delle signore della Milano bene, “ siamo tutti cinesi!” . Ma di un aspetto indecente, forse volutamente ignorato, è required to talk to astonished realism. During the historic meeting the basic subjects concerned the textile district and its future. And they, the natural partners, icons undisputed symbol of this city, good and bad players in the crisis, preferred suppliers of disused warehouses and equipment written off eastern colleagues, there was no meeting with His Excellency. What happened? The reasons may be different. First. Industrialists in Prato were not invited by the organizers of the meeting, such as "boys, let us work" Second. Were invited but arrived late to the ceremonies, certainly on the left, not made them enter (the rules worth more than the substance) Third. None of them was informed of the event (those few who read newspapers were playing golf) Quarto. If they are deliberately disinterested as a sign of proud independence. Fifth. They considered the Mayor-industrial as their delegate with full authority (and we are modestly this warning). However the situation is serious but not serious. As long as there is health!

Carlo Montain

March 21, 2010


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