Thursday, March 18, 2010

Monteray Aquarium How Much For A Wedding


So many reasons to stay away from sick system of art.

Video-installation Savino Marseglia .

Transforming excrement into gold today is not only an art, but even the standard mediation is based upon today the system of art. Like what happened to King Midas, who could no longer distinguish between food and excrement, so today contemporary art suffers a relentless process of "merdificazione. An 'inner invisible and insidious poisoning is becoming the result of an artistic production that knows no measure. The drama "green" as a product of post-capitalist civilization not only leads to the decimation of natural resources, but the poisoning of man and, mind you, not only the body but also the spirit. This persist at all costs to put into circulation not only polluting goods, but also "works polluting not only the planet will not be saved, but will also determine what the purpose of art itself. If, by contradiction, each artist chose to make art from waste, going to be a "home-study" of garbage, such an action would not eliminate the aberrant poisoning goods.
Over the centuries, constantly pushed by necessity, the peasant had learned to treasure all that is to recycle everything from food scraps from the artifacts of a use. Similarly we see in many parts of the world built entire populations, for reasons of survival tools with housing and the waste industry. In Ripapietra
forest, near the picturesque medieval town of Bovino (among the fifty most beautiful villages in Italy) in the province of Foggia, the artist Savino Marseglia, becomes a shelter for peasants, made with recycled materials in an area of \u200b\u200bvideo-installation. The interior is filled with visitors bulky household items, including a refrigerator, on which stands a television set. An environment seemingly unreal, but actually gives security are not perhaps part of our everyday common household appliances and therefore do not give us a sense of familiarity? So what is happening in the city between the quiet home, is here reproduced in the woods. We see an interface with television viewers, off and on, as they passed. Video equipment transmits the voice of the artist who, in the local dialect, tells stories di contadini, proverbi e detti sull’identità culturali perdute o in fase di catalogazione. Una simile ricerca si incentra sui meccanismi di appartenenza ad uno specifico territorio e sulla complessa relazione tra alienazione urbana e la conseguente mancanza di radici. L'artista si sente libero di ritrovare nei luoghi in cui soggiorna interessi e suggestioni che provengono non solo nelle relazioni antropologiche con la storia locale, ma anche dall'interazione con le persone di quella particolare comunità, attraverso pratiche di riappropriazione della memoria storica che vanno oltre il concetto stesso di produzione di opera d’arte. Se, come è noto, l'opera di arte contemporanea nasce di per sé “decontestualizzata”, la sua dislocation in a different environment and marginal as that of the forest, making it accessible and easy to read at all, against the arrogance of those who exercise any control or power over it.

Savino Marseglia - So many reasons to stay away from sick system

Videoinstallation art in wood-Cattle-Foggia Via Ripapietra

From March 25 to April 29, 2010

Author: Savino Marseglia

Genre: Contemporary Art

Opening: Thursday, March 25, 2010 - 18:30

Via Ripapietra - Cattle - Foggia

Tickets: free admission

Orario d’apertura su appuntamento dalle 9.30 alle 12.30 /15.30 alle 18.30

Info: 3475712780 –


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