Monday, March 15, 2010

How To Do A Sand Reil


Identità 2

The foyer
diatribe on investing Metastasio flares up every day, we still think of bowls because, for now, it provides a simple puppet theater behind the scenes. Instead, about identity and appreciation of the historical center of Prato, it seemed like the idea of \u200b\u200brevolutionary and imaginative Marcello Bartoli, actor and director (The Nation 27 February): "Here is how the city: a theater alive 24 hours , we need to reinvest in the short term "That the idea of \u200b\u200bactor-director has a cathartic value his exceptional sentence is certified by the binding of the Mayor and Councillor Belton," the bar and the foyer of Metastasio must remain open day and night for the people. Finally! European social democratic and reformist opening. The curfew

nights ago, for an unexpected accident, I had to walk from 21 to 23 on the streets of downtown. I swear, three hours, I did not cross more than twenty people. Desert, all closed, motionless, silent. I looked at my desolate city, I who have suffered during the war in the streets under curfew: no one around, just some bored soldiers patrol to ensure the windows to the darkening. In Piazza del Duomo I met a patrol of two soldiers and a policeman who strolled about. Every night Prato is unnecessarily so. An endless darkness of silence around the lamp posts illuminati. Il bar e il foyer aperti di notte al Metastasio , potrebbero servire.

Dove vai, son cipolle
La frase del Ministro leghista Maroni, in seconda visita a Prato: “Non si costruisce la convivenza senza condividere i principi etici “, ha giustamente suscitato la reazione composta dell’On. Giacomelli : “ A nessuno può essere chiesto per essere considerato cittadino, di omologare idee, valori e principi del regime. Bravo Antonello! Hai visto? Ora, se qualcuno, come capita spesso, ha qualche dubbio sulla differenza fra destra e sinistra, fra conservatori reazionari e liberali democratici, eccolo servito! La frase di Maroni è una bestemmia costituzionale prima ancora che culturale, storica and politics. But we are accustomed and almost amused by jokes the Northern League unable to connect to any organized form of thought. Rather surprising response by Hon. Mazzoni that, under increasingly difficult to defend with everything and everyone in his party with accents sometimes Manichaean, betrays its unquestionable democratic and liberal education. So the question posed by liquid Giacomelli, "it is not a heresy (the Maroni). ... Here you should also talk about corporate ethics ... ... .. that the left (and ridagli!) Has sadly (?) Ignored. For boys, in such cases, it dismissed the other party with a single joke: where you go, son onions.

Carlo Montain, March 14, 2010


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