Sunday, March 7, 2010

Frequent Migraines During Clomid


Discuss today, talk about it tomorrow, finally something is moving. A word 'identity', called with alarming frequency, in official speeches of this troubled city, improper and inappropriate meanings are attributed. However, this freedom etymological begins to define contours and content while still questionable and, in some cases, puzzling. The spirit of the research is positive and we like to account for them in this "reflection" and in the next week. As stimulus per altri contributi da immettere in una civica competizione fra i tanti talenti che abbondano in questa città e dintorni. Annotiamo di seguito, sull’argomento, alcuni esempi disponibili della evoluzione del pensiero e suoi derivati.

La filiera
C’è il suggerimento un po’ scomposto degli autoctoni veraci che, ai primi inserimenti cinesi nella sacra filiera del distretto, hanno eroicamente rilanciato il grido dei democratici durante la guerra di Spagna del ’39 (haimè perdente) : “non pasaran”. C’è, ma chi l’avrebbe mai pensato, l’idea ultramoderna di alzare i prezzi dei nostri tessuti per rientrare con giusta fierezza nel mercato internazionale. From this shouting (the wait was great), it was clearly perceived theory that the Mayor wants to long (chain), the image of Italy-China trade supported by large distribution companies to packaging worldwide. Even longer, comes to China, is designed by the President of the Scuola Superiore di Pisa, Prof. Riccardo Varaldo (Tyrrhenian Sea, 21 February) "to form a pool of companies that Prato, overcome divisions (eccoci!) will raise the research of a multinational packaging based in China that purchases at higher price in exchange for a nice brand Prato developed for this purpose. Nice idea!. Invade legally allowed, convenient and affordable for us, a market of nearly two billion people with products made by mistreated Chinese immigrants in Prato. In any case, prior notice to the professor, should the agreement with the Region of Tuscany and the mediation of the two national governments. At first glance it seems an impossible suggestion, but who knows. Put the case that during a visit to China by Berlusconi ... ... ... ... ... more expeditious, but an irritating absolute truth, the discovery of the industrial Bellucci: "The internal competition has destroyed the textile industry."

The Sunset Boulevard
So we were not all Communists to ask more sense for the problem of the Chinese. Not only easy warmongering waved tutti i giorni in tutte le salse, dicevamo, ma una seria prova di paziente ascolto, l’intelligente constatazione di un fenomeno ormai ineludibile, una manifestazione di umana solidarietà, magari di qualità e misura cristiana. Che non è soltanto il pacco della Charitas ma l’offerta attenta e leale del rispetto dovuto ad ogni persona. Registriamo perciò , con sincera soddisfazione che negli ultimi tempi, dopo la glorificata giornata dei rastrellamenti di tipo militare che ha turbato la sensibilità umana di molti, si discute anche senza urlare. E si scoprono sempre più italiani che, insieme ai cinesi, vivono fuori dalle regole e si ripensa alla semplicistica brutalità dell’assioma: ”se continuiamo con il rigorously, we can send them all away. " So significant is the statement appeared Councillor integration, Silli: "Milo is trying to restore the rule of law ... ... ... but the recipe is rigor and integration ... ... .... The matter must be handled with maturity by both parties. On both sides, congratulations councilor. And the Minister Maroni, who had shown the whole of Italy, as an example "if Prato", the helicopter and police dogs? He 's back in Prato, and his goodness, has clearly expressed a principle (The Nation 16 February): "not solve the problems with the blitz" There is more reasonable around, maybe the police intimidation as the only means to solve problems of this nature will start, along with acclaimed actors too, "to the Sunset Boulevard." Not surprisingly, noblesse oblige, we have only the Secretary of the PDL on repeating that "the line on safety Milone carried out by the PDL is the same" Sorry, not required ... ... ...

One wonders how can happen. One morning, the Mayor, just got up, he realizes that three years have disappeared from this city six hundred Chinese children (Tyrrhenian February 20). Made a huge international scandal which immediately inform the City Council and 'mandate to the Committee on Safety of deal with them. For days, my heart in my throat, it was thought the worst, dramatically summed up in the ultimate sentence of the Mayor: "I want to know where all costs are gone" (Tyrrhenian February 28). Tranquilli, are all well and happy growing in the municipalities of our province to vote for the pending administrative action. It took eight days to solve a simple bureaucratic mistake of crossing data. A performance that could be done in the silent work of the offices that had caused this and that, ultimately, are also complimented by the Mayor. (The Nation on March 2). Let's hope so!

Carlo Montain

March 7, 2010


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