Sunday, March 28, 2010

Toilet Paper Girth Test


Ambition radical

. from Times of March 25, 2010

Mattia Ferrara

There is a huge affair of the undecided, of course. There is the ecclesiastic reaction
return mobilization groundwater, the blue square
it rains on the regional as an adhesive, the Alemanni anus cock stroke. But if the polls
confermassero those five points clear of Lazio Emma Bonino in
assigned by ilsole24ore-Ipsos survey, or even point
Euromedia and a half of the survey commissioned by Panorama, the news would
from the first page of the New York Times, perhaps even opening
Al Jazeera. A historical guide to the radical leader of the region of Rome, the
underbelly of power surrounding the countervailing Oltretevere in
explicit collision with the leftist candidate after successful campaign in the name of
low profile.
Net of structural unpredictability of the urn, the rumor in
Roman palaces is that Emma will do it. Not only due to the large
mess and the subsequent exclusion from the list of the PDL, which is certainly an aggravating
for the center, but by virtue of a consolidated public image and his office
explicit ideology. No pretense to
political monolith that is Emma Bonino. But beneath the epidermis election
the many questions that can roam on the radical assertion
are reflected in large-scale questions about the future of the center to
national level. Emma will be able to face the "strange"
challenge to government? Will the militant handlers reinvent the levers of power that you do not handle
with dehydration and minority
abstract principles (good or bad)? The consistency of application
Bonino was all in the occupation of empty spaces left by the Roman ruling class
still stunned by the ring-pillars of the Capitol,
a clever play of contrasts and trampolines. But then something changed. When
radical parties received a dove with an olive twig in its beak
sign of a possible win the sportsmanship with the friend-enemy
Renata Polverini have dispersed and the war began, Emma, \u200b\u200ba
conflict on two fronts-style radical. On the one hand, the right of the battleship
orchestrated by the pair-Berlusconi Alemanno ("A
Sometimes I feel not to run against Polverini, but against
Alemanno or Berlusconi. He is leading the campaign.
This lack of independence from other powers is not a good way to govern a
region, "he said earlier this week); the other front, there
his own coalition in an identity crisis.

Pazza idea of \u200b\u200bradical government
The paradox is this: started as a frond erected
system - also due to Pd not received a ruling class - the campaign
Bonino in New York has become the test to see how much and how
radical segment of the left can make demands of government,
inside and outside its region. For this is around the palaces
a more serious question that facetious: if Bonino Lazio win, what would prevent
to run for leadership of the national left?
suggestion is confirmed by the deputy of the PDL Benedetto Della Vedova, that the world knows him well and radical
list Bonino was also elected European parliament.
"With this campaign - Times tells Della Vedova - Bonino
play a high card to become a leader in the perspective of the left.
is putting to good use all the qualities and skills gained over the years.
This is of course a very specific choice of field, which articulates
personal qualities with the ability of radicals to have the amalgam of a
party. " The fragile appearance of a vast project is perhaps a political connotation
too explicit, unwilling to compromise. "I think
rather than the benefit of his candidacy is
precisely to have strong political connotations. Better to start from a firm that
ideas have only half the pretext of keeping it all together. To the left of the flat electroencephalogram
Bonino is a huge leap. " Della Vedova is anything that amazed
Bonino assumption of a national leader of the left
tomorrow and, indeed, adds: "I think if he wins Bonino
in Lazio with a certain degree, become a potential candidate of a left
smart and modern. It would be an important choice. " A choice,
that add several sources, raise the left dall'irrisolta
correntizia war between the former Margaret and Ds, closing the season of Pd
postveltroniano and a bite to eat in the unfinished creature
Bersani. Of course, the ideological clarification would cost
in terms of numbers, but would force all players to make choices clear and distinct,
the benefits, perhaps, a clear identity.
do not know if Emma meditate in his heart these projects, but the traits of his campaign shows
arguments in perspective. First,
moving at different speeds. The return of

Emma has ridden the case of the provider of condoms to high school Kepler
of Rome, "a great idea" that has sparked criticism from the auxiliary bishop
Rome, Cardinal Agostino Vallini. The Director of Future,
Mark Tarquinio, has abandoned the prudence to go
initial point explicitly: "And we also consider any other party
impossible, to radical political reason we can not and do not want to give.
If people really have, the show. " A clash
found explicitly and harvest, with the opposite sign from
Renata Polverini, which - also saw the strategic role of the UDC - is passing his days
more religious since the college of nuns in porpoises. The
last week said (rather vaguely) to domandein
a public meeting organized by the CDO, Sunday took
Mass at Monte Cassino, he attended the opening of a church, the community has met
New Horizons and has led to a second Mass in
Subiaco. An agenda that seems designed to mirror affixed to the
Ultralite Emma. But if the script of the fight is met, the candidate
radical rabbits pulled out of the hat to the government.
First of all, the return of Goffredo Bettini after four months of silence
public. He, the father of the Roman model, is spending all his experience to the project
Emma, \u200b\u200bmuch to defend it publicly on
reformed when the mention of a hunger strike had
did grumble a bit of left nothing nostalgic for the radical minority
While Emma thunders in the televised debate with Polverini
against the invasiveness of the policy on health, the other one murmurs of
important undercurrent movements with the powerful Roman builders, which theoretically should look with skepticism
the heat
radical but in practice they practice the art equidistance. Emma
alternates with great flexibility styles and words of his permanent campaign and since he had the first inkling that
bring home the Region was a firm can not
was spared in any field. The favorite target is the mayor Gianni Alemanno
the most precious strategic asset in the hands of
certified by Polverini and important friendships across the Tiber. And I wonder if Emma Bonino
seeing Piazza San Giovanni full of people for that '' embarrassing 'in half
forum "between Pontida and a first communion, wondered whether that stage had not
along the real ground of his personal political competition .

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Blueprints For A Hair Salon Free


E 'COME AMBASSADOR ... ... ...

"The turning point of the future", "March 12 is the day of redemption of the honest and Prato" , "Prato can become the most important fashion cities of Europe, "" The City is no longer only because it can count the Embassy of China "," You turn the page, great result of the PDL. " They are a part of the securities in the days March 12 to 14, have filled pages and pages of the newspapers La Nazione Prato. What happened to sing a chorus so solemn Te Deum, to justify this optimistic vision of the Prato district irrepressible agony? Who has miraculously turned desperate lamentations, admissions catastrophic situation sunk in the collective joyous conviction of having passed the ford, that they are full, precisely, the "Turn of the future." But then .. What happened? E 'come Ambassador (Chinese) but without the feather in his hat, magician new king, leading away from the mysterious East, the precious gifts of peace, love, understanding and solidarity with the people of Prato angry and depressed. The oracle of the Rising Sun, received with ceremonious studied exaggeration in the corridors of power, he sat, composed and China, as still as you would expect from a descendant of the Buddha, heard and read the fastidious enumeration of the grievances of the city with regard to its compatriots systematic failures of the rules of civil life, continued tax evasion, illegal immigration and the corresponding spread moonlighting, poor civic sense (as a collective dirt, spit on the floor and bad odors). The talks, which continued in privately at a Chinese restaurant, according to newspaper headlines, were held in an atmosphere of friendly cooperation and mutual satisfaction. I know some say I'm a mix between an irritant and a Talking Cricket Pasquino provincial countryside. Maybe, but to me this riot unrestrained, this optimism a way, this too declaimed importance of Man came to Rome, gives me discomfort caused a slight irritant, a perceptible mortification. On the other hand it is fitting that this city, so established, also sticking to the ropes of the sky But for God, and so difficult without good reasons to support their violent and presumptuous arrogance but also rejects the temptation of a wanton idolatry? What we are losing in Prato in the North and South, left and right, it's just a sense of proportion. So it happens that events, meetings, events very serious turn into a comic opera that is not funny anymore. It should be noted that after a meeting of such a matter, there were no concrete conclusions, not a word was written. In China it is customary undeniable, even for the most marginal meetings, approve a protocol that starts with the proven statement: "Introduction to the traditional friendship between Italy and the Republic of China"
Let's see. Sua Eccellenza, naturale custode di due essenziali virtù (la millenaria riservatezza cinese e la forbita prudenza diplomatica), ha ammesso, ha auspicato, preso atto, concordato. Ecco, quasi testualmente, il sunto del suo verbo catartico .
Le autorità pratesi hanno diritto a fare i controlli ma è auspicabile che, oltre a questi, ci siano altre azioni per accelerare l’integrazione e che durante le operazioni di verifica, vengano rispettati i diritti dei lavoratori cinesi ( e chi deve intendere intenda ) ; i miei connazionali devono rispettare le leggi ( che altro poteva dire: i cinesi possono comportarsi a loro piacimento nella vostra città ?); per i clandestini io sono a Roma e non so cosa succede in Toscana (chissà che ci sta a fare il console cinese a Firenze!): comunque noi siamo contrari all’immigrazione clandestina ( in Cina ?) ; l’evasione fiscale deve essere punita e la Cina è contraria alla contraffazione (e chi ha mai pensato il contrario!); è bene che aziende cinesi assumano lavoratori italiani (come è umana Sua Eccellenza a rispondere positivamente ad una richiesta indefinibile dei suoi autorevoli interlocutori !)
Colpiti dalla foga entusiastica delle interviste e delle dichiarazioni post –visitam ci verrebbe da esclamare, parodiando gli appassionati gridolini filo-americani delle signore della Milano bene, “ siamo tutti cinesi!” . Ma di un aspetto indecente, forse volutamente ignorato, è required to talk to astonished realism. During the historic meeting the basic subjects concerned the textile district and its future. And they, the natural partners, icons undisputed symbol of this city, good and bad players in the crisis, preferred suppliers of disused warehouses and equipment written off eastern colleagues, there was no meeting with His Excellency. What happened? The reasons may be different. First. Industrialists in Prato were not invited by the organizers of the meeting, such as "boys, let us work" Second. Were invited but arrived late to the ceremonies, certainly on the left, not made them enter (the rules worth more than the substance) Third. None of them was informed of the event (those few who read newspapers were playing golf) Quarto. If they are deliberately disinterested as a sign of proud independence. Fifth. They considered the Mayor-industrial as their delegate with full authority (and we are modestly this warning). However the situation is serious but not serious. As long as there is health!

Carlo Montain

March 21, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dinnerware Indian Stores Brampton


Veltrusconi From the Berbers

Guido Biancardi

What is the Veltrusconi (even in its franceschiniana) is clear for some time, for the Radicals. The scheme of 20 +60 years, keeps hours leaning on the two pillars of the bipolar forced refinements obtained by repeated acts of electoral systems to weed out any rest some players are exclusive to the Italian game, each with its duly authorized squire election agreement and prior authorization, when not only built specifically to be a medium of communication Bipolar Raiset in all its extensions including those on paper. E 'already a great deal to be reached to diagnose and denounce the evil dark, the plague italiana, che trasfigura in democrazia occidentale un assetto politico e statuale plasmato più sul dominio antidemocratico di oligopoli legittimati istituzionalmente (Corporazioni e Concordati) che sulla affermata ma subito stravolta (ed il “libro giallo“ dei Radicali precisa le tappe) legalità costituzionale e sullo Stato di Diritto.
Berberi (da leggersi Ber-Ber-i) è invece un neologismo tanto facile quanto accuratamente evitato nella dialettica politica conseguente alla premessa della denunzia del Regime; perchè non attualizzare il Veltrusconi in Ber-sani + Ber-lusconi, quindi, anche senza scomodare troppo Gheddafi che berbero dovrebbe essere per etnia, il nuovo regime che sarebbe aggiornato con il riferimento all'ultimo the Secretaries of the Democratic Party survived its own policies rubble?
E 'instead Bersani really the star of the morning of a possible, but always refused finally dawn of a democratic country whose popular base (communist and Catholic in particular) are found to be able to express their true needs and their escape from the ideological contiguity domain of its nomenclature absolutist devoted to their conservation status in continuous betrayal of its own power?
The 'effect Bersani, "would be the sign of discontinuity by a fiercely conservative political domination of its ideological and political at the expense of the possibility that engages in the trunk now rotting from the roots of dell'ottantennio regime antidemocratico italiano, il nuovo ramo dei principi del liberalesimo occidentale con i suoi corollari inscindibili di liberismo e libertarismo. La sua dimostrazione risiederebbe nell'apertura all'apparenza generosa e non condizionata in ogni suo possibile effetto di sviluppo, a Bonino (ed a Vendola) nella prospettiva delle imminenti elezioni regionali la cui importanza le fa equivalere ad una tornata politica nazionale.
E' possibile che questa apertura di credito strategico sia doverosa e legittimata dalle premesse di una realtà davvero mutata nelle sue strutture di fondo. Che, al momento in cui ci si affacci sull'orlo del burrone, si devii da una rotta tragica e distruttiva del Paese, in un soprassalto di resipiscenza. Dio lo voglia. Ed a Emma Bonino è dato il compito di levare il vessillo della Riforma sui colli fatali.
Ma restano come macigni alcuni fatti politici da cui è impossibile prescindere: dalla candidatura di D'Alema a mister PECS (ad ambasciatore della UE), avanzata dal premier Berlusconi, alla sua nomina a controllore dei servizi italiani, sino al più recente episodio di un'iniziativa legislativa a prime firme D'Alema/Bocchino tesa a costituire come esercito supplementare della Repubblica la Guardia di Finanza a capo della quale dovrebbe essere designato un generale dell'Esercito.
L'ex dalemiano Bersani sarebbe ormai sciolto dal suo mentore politico così da costituire la speranza di un'inversione di tendenza dal consolidarsi del Regime bicefalo da cui dovremmo necessariamente emanciparci per non sottostarvi senza speranza e nel rischio drammatico, conclamato come sempre più attuale, di una sua espansione al di là dei confini d'Italia.
Propongo una lettura della situazione politica a suo modo ancor più, se possibile, drammatica dalla quale è necessaria una messa in guardia chiara. In un momento particolare. Quello della vigilia delle elezioni regionali che possono costituire un giro di boa da cui il rientro può divenire impossibile.
Stante il Regime che non considero né una drammatizzazione opportunistica e nemmeno una fantasiosa ipotesi, come sono schierate (e dissimulate) le forze in campo di quel risiko del potere interno alla maggioranza ed all'opposizione che non può trovare sosta e che, anzi, accelera le mosse per la conquista finale della vittoria? Nel Governo alcuni ministeri chiave sono stati assegnati (come postazioni di fondamentale importanza da presidiare) ad esponenti di due delle componenti del polo governativo che si tengono reciprocamente in scacco: l'ex AN e la Lega. Parlo del Ministero degli Interni di Maroni e di quello della Difesa di La Russa, in particolare (Alfano sarebbe un discorso da trattare affatto a parte).
Le elezioni Regionali giungono al traguardo di una asserita conquista da parte della Lega del “federalismo”, fiscale e non. Autonomia compiuta e responsabile per alcuni, essa è considerata da altri premessa possibile della fine della coesione nazionale, sino al rischio più volte ventilato a "secession". While Berlusconi, Bossi close to "promises" his "presidential".
why the next election will be decisive not only as an additional opportunity to assess the distribution of national consensus of the voters, but as you draw the outline of the territorial domain that they would make up for the winners and losers (not so much win that will win more than one region, but lose, or almost hopelessly, who does not conquer "certain" regions).
The game sees the North declared the league point to the hegemony of a macro-homogeneous set against others, particularly the "parasitic" territory in the South. Gli Interni dovrebbero essere un punto di garanzia contro ogni possibile manovra antagonistica in nome dell'unità nazionale. La Difesa costituisce già il contropotere da attivare in quest'ottica, in una temperie ove si dà per credibile la voce secondo cui il Presidente della Repubblica rivendichi esplicitamente (non pubblicamente, ma di fronte al Presidente del Consiglio) il suo ruolo, come capo dello Stato, di Comandante in capo delle Forze Armate. La Guardia di Finanza vi aggiungerebbe forza ulteriore? Ma, guarda caso, è ad un noto collaboratore del Presidente della Camera Fini ed ex Segretario di AN ( Italo Bocchino) che è affidato il tentativo di rafforzare un asse del Sud (con D'Alema e La Russa, e con le Regioni centrali ”rosse” e meridionali” nere”) da contrapporre a quello del Nord Azzurro/Verde (Berlusconi, Bossi, Maroni, Scaiola, Formigoni e fra poco con Zaia con, forse, Cota; ed in Liguria?).
Le Regioni sarebbero, nel risiko, aree di conquista e contemporaneamente fornitrici di forze da mettere in campo in una speriamo solo sincopata partita di un sostituto virtuale di guerra civile.
Le provenienze dei soggetti politici schierati sono d'altronde interessanti. Berlusconi e Bossi da un vertice e D'Alema dall'altro sono troppo distanti. Ma Fini e Bersani (come Franceschini) sono entrambi emiliani; hanno nella memoria storica delle loro terre d'origine la cicatrice della linea gotica e la scansione dell'8 Settembre. La faglia della memoria history goes from there. From a land that has lived in hiding with the Social Republic partisan "family", and desperately. Where is conceived not as unnatural betrayal of blood and sharing of dreams tragic.
that there is a transverse fault in the same regime that only notionally plays on the contrast of irreconcilable ideological alignment between the two poles to convince the Italians of their immutable political faith and values \u200b\u200bis clearly shown by the fact that it was clearly not only in domestic politics but, almost more, even in foreign policy. On Gaddafi, Putin, Middle East and Mediterranean policy, China, by contrast, USA (sometimes not entangled with Obama), it shows the assonance / dissonance too strong among some members of a pole with many of the other to be the result of mere coincidence or the product of simple mindedness of neighborhood character, history and values, rather than concrete coincidences often unmentionable interests.
This fault, not between civilizations but of power, is guaranteed not to be swept away on the other side of himself uncontrollably even when sudden change in the framework of civil and socio-political, national or international level. It is the attempt, partly unconscious and "childish" to pre a big ditch where more or less large walls could not keep.
It is' made "For the time of the suspension of ordinary law, for the times of emergencies, for times of war.
(news radicals, 1103)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Best Milwaukee Battery Charger

Easter Menu

Trattoria Cremosina
Happy Easter

Tris duck: duck and pistachio terrine, smoked duck breast, foie gras pate

tart with asparagus and cheese fondue toma Valsesiana

octopus with potatoes and steamed cabbage emulsion
the Ligurian olives

The risotto with cream and asparagus tips

I paccheri with prawns and squid

The loin of lamb with mountain herbs

cake with chocolate hazelnut sauce nyangbo 68%

Monteray Aquarium How Much For A Wedding


So many reasons to stay away from sick system of art.

Video-installation Savino Marseglia .

Transforming excrement into gold today is not only an art, but even the standard mediation is based upon today the system of art. Like what happened to King Midas, who could no longer distinguish between food and excrement, so today contemporary art suffers a relentless process of "merdificazione. An 'inner invisible and insidious poisoning is becoming the result of an artistic production that knows no measure. The drama "green" as a product of post-capitalist civilization not only leads to the decimation of natural resources, but the poisoning of man and, mind you, not only the body but also the spirit. This persist at all costs to put into circulation not only polluting goods, but also "works polluting not only the planet will not be saved, but will also determine what the purpose of art itself. If, by contradiction, each artist chose to make art from waste, going to be a "home-study" of garbage, such an action would not eliminate the aberrant poisoning goods.
Over the centuries, constantly pushed by necessity, the peasant had learned to treasure all that is to recycle everything from food scraps from the artifacts of a use. Similarly we see in many parts of the world built entire populations, for reasons of survival tools with housing and the waste industry. In Ripapietra
forest, near the picturesque medieval town of Bovino (among the fifty most beautiful villages in Italy) in the province of Foggia, the artist Savino Marseglia, becomes a shelter for peasants, made with recycled materials in an area of \u200b\u200bvideo-installation. The interior is filled with visitors bulky household items, including a refrigerator, on which stands a television set. An environment seemingly unreal, but actually gives security are not perhaps part of our everyday common household appliances and therefore do not give us a sense of familiarity? So what is happening in the city between the quiet home, is here reproduced in the woods. We see an interface with television viewers, off and on, as they passed. Video equipment transmits the voice of the artist who, in the local dialect, tells stories di contadini, proverbi e detti sull’identità culturali perdute o in fase di catalogazione. Una simile ricerca si incentra sui meccanismi di appartenenza ad uno specifico territorio e sulla complessa relazione tra alienazione urbana e la conseguente mancanza di radici. L'artista si sente libero di ritrovare nei luoghi in cui soggiorna interessi e suggestioni che provengono non solo nelle relazioni antropologiche con la storia locale, ma anche dall'interazione con le persone di quella particolare comunità, attraverso pratiche di riappropriazione della memoria storica che vanno oltre il concetto stesso di produzione di opera d’arte. Se, come è noto, l'opera di arte contemporanea nasce di per sé “decontestualizzata”, la sua dislocation in a different environment and marginal as that of the forest, making it accessible and easy to read at all, against the arrogance of those who exercise any control or power over it.

Savino Marseglia - So many reasons to stay away from sick system

Videoinstallation art in wood-Cattle-Foggia Via Ripapietra

From March 25 to April 29, 2010

Author: Savino Marseglia

Genre: Contemporary Art

Opening: Thursday, March 25, 2010 - 18:30

Via Ripapietra - Cattle - Foggia

Tickets: free admission

Orario d’apertura su appuntamento dalle 9.30 alle 12.30 /15.30 alle 18.30

Info: 3475712780 –

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Veins Showing On Nippls


Pd (Rai) PdL responsabili della chiusura dei talk show?

di Marco Beltrandi

Una cosa è certa: il dibattito che si è svolto in Vigilanza Rai oggi, alla presenza del Direttore Generale della Rai Mauro Masi, ha reso palesi le responsabilità della chiusura del talk show, improvvidamente decisa e riconfermata dalla maggioranza del CDA della Rai, su proposta del Direttore Generale.
Infatti, in tutti assistance of numerous components of PD, it was clarified that the regulation "Beltrandi" does not impose the closure of the RAI talk show. Indeed, Senator Procacci said quote - rightly - that the closure of the talk show has been at odds with the regulations approved in Supervision Rai.
pity that this clarity and honesty has occurred only recently, after over a month's campaign, including TV Rai, in which it was argued the opposite, with no opportunity to be heard by members of PD, anticipating the distorted interpretation of Regulation then made their own leads by Rai. And after months of lies, it's hard to be credible. They then have
fornito al CDA Rai il pretesto per chiudere i talk show, favorendo così il lavoro di quei settori dell’attuale maggioranza che volevano appunto le chiusure, senza nemmeno le tribune politiche, che sono iniziate solo ieri, in ritardo di 15 giorni da quanto disposto dalla Commissione.
Commissione che certamente non aveva alcun bisogno di “battere un colpo”, visto che lo aveva già fatto il 9 febbraio scorso. Il Parlamento dovrebbe essere rispettato dai vertici Rai, non dileggiato, come è accaduto anche oggi.
(notizieradicali, 1098)

Monday, March 15, 2010

How To Do A Sand Reil


Identità 2

The foyer
diatribe on investing Metastasio flares up every day, we still think of bowls because, for now, it provides a simple puppet theater behind the scenes. Instead, about identity and appreciation of the historical center of Prato, it seemed like the idea of \u200b\u200brevolutionary and imaginative Marcello Bartoli, actor and director (The Nation 27 February): "Here is how the city: a theater alive 24 hours , we need to reinvest in the short term "That the idea of \u200b\u200bactor-director has a cathartic value his exceptional sentence is certified by the binding of the Mayor and Councillor Belton," the bar and the foyer of Metastasio must remain open day and night for the people. Finally! European social democratic and reformist opening. The curfew

nights ago, for an unexpected accident, I had to walk from 21 to 23 on the streets of downtown. I swear, three hours, I did not cross more than twenty people. Desert, all closed, motionless, silent. I looked at my desolate city, I who have suffered during the war in the streets under curfew: no one around, just some bored soldiers patrol to ensure the windows to the darkening. In Piazza del Duomo I met a patrol of two soldiers and a policeman who strolled about. Every night Prato is unnecessarily so. An endless darkness of silence around the lamp posts illuminati. Il bar e il foyer aperti di notte al Metastasio , potrebbero servire.

Dove vai, son cipolle
La frase del Ministro leghista Maroni, in seconda visita a Prato: “Non si costruisce la convivenza senza condividere i principi etici “, ha giustamente suscitato la reazione composta dell’On. Giacomelli : “ A nessuno può essere chiesto per essere considerato cittadino, di omologare idee, valori e principi del regime. Bravo Antonello! Hai visto? Ora, se qualcuno, come capita spesso, ha qualche dubbio sulla differenza fra destra e sinistra, fra conservatori reazionari e liberali democratici, eccolo servito! La frase di Maroni è una bestemmia costituzionale prima ancora che culturale, storica and politics. But we are accustomed and almost amused by jokes the Northern League unable to connect to any organized form of thought. Rather surprising response by Hon. Mazzoni that, under increasingly difficult to defend with everything and everyone in his party with accents sometimes Manichaean, betrays its unquestionable democratic and liberal education. So the question posed by liquid Giacomelli, "it is not a heresy (the Maroni). ... Here you should also talk about corporate ethics ... ... .. that the left (and ridagli!) Has sadly (?) Ignored. For boys, in such cases, it dismissed the other party with a single joke: where you go, son onions.

Carlo Montain, March 14, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Frequent Migraines During Clomid


Discuss today, talk about it tomorrow, finally something is moving. A word 'identity', called with alarming frequency, in official speeches of this troubled city, improper and inappropriate meanings are attributed. However, this freedom etymological begins to define contours and content while still questionable and, in some cases, puzzling. The spirit of the research is positive and we like to account for them in this "reflection" and in the next week. As stimulus per altri contributi da immettere in una civica competizione fra i tanti talenti che abbondano in questa città e dintorni. Annotiamo di seguito, sull’argomento, alcuni esempi disponibili della evoluzione del pensiero e suoi derivati.

La filiera
C’è il suggerimento un po’ scomposto degli autoctoni veraci che, ai primi inserimenti cinesi nella sacra filiera del distretto, hanno eroicamente rilanciato il grido dei democratici durante la guerra di Spagna del ’39 (haimè perdente) : “non pasaran”. C’è, ma chi l’avrebbe mai pensato, l’idea ultramoderna di alzare i prezzi dei nostri tessuti per rientrare con giusta fierezza nel mercato internazionale. From this shouting (the wait was great), it was clearly perceived theory that the Mayor wants to long (chain), the image of Italy-China trade supported by large distribution companies to packaging worldwide. Even longer, comes to China, is designed by the President of the Scuola Superiore di Pisa, Prof. Riccardo Varaldo (Tyrrhenian Sea, 21 February) "to form a pool of companies that Prato, overcome divisions (eccoci!) will raise the research of a multinational packaging based in China that purchases at higher price in exchange for a nice brand Prato developed for this purpose. Nice idea!. Invade legally allowed, convenient and affordable for us, a market of nearly two billion people with products made by mistreated Chinese immigrants in Prato. In any case, prior notice to the professor, should the agreement with the Region of Tuscany and the mediation of the two national governments. At first glance it seems an impossible suggestion, but who knows. Put the case that during a visit to China by Berlusconi ... ... ... ... ... more expeditious, but an irritating absolute truth, the discovery of the industrial Bellucci: "The internal competition has destroyed the textile industry."

The Sunset Boulevard
So we were not all Communists to ask more sense for the problem of the Chinese. Not only easy warmongering waved tutti i giorni in tutte le salse, dicevamo, ma una seria prova di paziente ascolto, l’intelligente constatazione di un fenomeno ormai ineludibile, una manifestazione di umana solidarietà, magari di qualità e misura cristiana. Che non è soltanto il pacco della Charitas ma l’offerta attenta e leale del rispetto dovuto ad ogni persona. Registriamo perciò , con sincera soddisfazione che negli ultimi tempi, dopo la glorificata giornata dei rastrellamenti di tipo militare che ha turbato la sensibilità umana di molti, si discute anche senza urlare. E si scoprono sempre più italiani che, insieme ai cinesi, vivono fuori dalle regole e si ripensa alla semplicistica brutalità dell’assioma: ”se continuiamo con il rigorously, we can send them all away. " So significant is the statement appeared Councillor integration, Silli: "Milo is trying to restore the rule of law ... ... ... but the recipe is rigor and integration ... ... .... The matter must be handled with maturity by both parties. On both sides, congratulations councilor. And the Minister Maroni, who had shown the whole of Italy, as an example "if Prato", the helicopter and police dogs? He 's back in Prato, and his goodness, has clearly expressed a principle (The Nation 16 February): "not solve the problems with the blitz" There is more reasonable around, maybe the police intimidation as the only means to solve problems of this nature will start, along with acclaimed actors too, "to the Sunset Boulevard." Not surprisingly, noblesse oblige, we have only the Secretary of the PDL on repeating that "the line on safety Milone carried out by the PDL is the same" Sorry, not required ... ... ...

One wonders how can happen. One morning, the Mayor, just got up, he realizes that three years have disappeared from this city six hundred Chinese children (Tyrrhenian February 20). Made a huge international scandal which immediately inform the City Council and 'mandate to the Committee on Safety of deal with them. For days, my heart in my throat, it was thought the worst, dramatically summed up in the ultimate sentence of the Mayor: "I want to know where all costs are gone" (Tyrrhenian February 28). Tranquilli, are all well and happy growing in the municipalities of our province to vote for the pending administrative action. It took eight days to solve a simple bureaucratic mistake of crossing data. A performance that could be done in the silent work of the offices that had caused this and that, ultimately, are also complimented by the Mayor. (The Nation on March 2). Let's hope so!

Carlo Montain

March 7, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Basketball Face Mask Broken Nose


Regional Tuscany admitted after the appeal to the court a list of Pistoia Pannella-Bonino

The List Pannella-Bonino, initially excluded from the electoral contest for 12 signatures in the province of Pistoia, has now been officially readmitted with a measure of the central region at the Court of Appeal of Florence that welcomes the appeal Monday to the Court Pistoia, drawn up by Chambers. Claudia Moretti and Michele De Gregorio. "Detected that the deadline for submitting signatures is identified by the Court of Pistoia [...] at 9 AM on March 1, 2010, "read the act, and" found that, in fact, the term of reference for the submission of the signatures must be found [...] in 12 hours, the period within which it is possible to produce more documents, noted that by the deadline, as attested by the Registrar of UCC Pistoia, documentation was supplemented by the submission of additional 19 signatures, authenticated in 26 and 27 February 2010, ranging in calculating the total "says the court," and since adding these subscriptions last [...] you exceed the limit of 1000 signatures required by election law, the list admits Marco Pannella to the elections in the province of Pistoia.

"Finally," the senator said at the news Donatella Poretti, "too radical ride for the regional in Tuscany, sure to offer a political proposal that represents the real reform for our region: the fight against party politics and maximum transparency in all sectors. We will work the best, "concludes Poretti," putting the full service of the citizen. "

I Found A Few Lumps On My Cats Neck


not permitted list Formigoni, Cappato: Act had
Formigoni face the radical and controls the other lists, in order to help show the illegality of these elections.

Milan, March 3, 2010

• Statement by Marco Cappato, Lista Pannella-Bonino

Despite the intimidation and proposed various subversive Boss of party politics, the Central Regional Office did not other duly recognize that too many invalid signatures in the list of Formigoni. It is a duty, as well as the exclusion of Pannella-Bonino List, the only difference being that against us was decisive violenza antidemocratica del potere politico-mediatico, mentre contro Formigoni è stata decisiva l'assoluta incapacità e senso di impunità con la quale le persone delegate da Formigoni hanno gestito la raccolta firme.
Voglio ricordare a tutti che rimane aperta la denuncia depositata a nome della Lista Bonino-Pannella dal delegato di lista Lorenzo Lipparini presso la Procura della Repubblica, che chiede il sequestro delle firme di Formigoni e di Penati nonché la perizia grafica sulle firme.
A questo punto, da candidato annullato a candidato annullato, voglio dare un consiglio a Roberto Formigoni: provi per una volta a fare il radicale e, lui che ne ha i mezzi, si mobiliti per verificare in tutte le province le firme di tutti i partiti. In This way he will discover, and above all help to show the citizens of Lombard, which Pannella-Bonino List as we have been saying for weeks: that these elections are undemocratic and illegal, as were many, many times in the past sixty years of history this scheme from which it is urgent to get rid once and for all.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pokemon List With Names


During the past Emma Bonino weeks and radicals led to the substantial indifference of the media and other political forces, the center-right and center-left, a remarkable battle of denunciation of the climate of lawlessness in our country which are held in the collection of signatures for the presentation of lists elettorali.I radicals have tried to show how it is almost impossible to collect signatures on a regular basis with the regulations and how to use most of the parties in fact shortcuts to the limits of convenience or - more often - outside the law .
"Awful Mess" of the PDL in Rome is only the most obvious and confirmed at the same time that most grotesque Radicals in the complaint vero.Del there is so much else that some parties - both highly representative and well organized - collect thousands of signatures in a few hours, behind their delivery, it is a challenge to the laws of physics as well as (mainly) senso.Non is no doubt that the good to bring a little dignity to the electoral process should be putting their hands significantly more to the presentation of the lists and in this way the Roman scandal could have at least the merit to trigger an action to reform .
A possible revision of the current system could go in the direction of providing for two separate dates for the submission of lists and submit lists of firme.Le dovrebbero essere chiuse e depositate almeno 3-4 settimane prima della chiusura della presentazione delle firme. In questo modo ci sarebbe tutto il tempo a disposizione per organizzare raccolte firme su liste rigorosamente congelate e pubbliche.In aggiunta si potrebbe stabilire che la firma delle liste sia possibile solo in Comune, abbassando contestualmente in modo sensibile in numero di firme necessarie. La necessità per la persona di recarsi personalmente in Comune per sostenere una lista rappresenterebbe una garanzia importante di veridicità della firma e di volontarietà dell’endorsement.
Andrebbero tuttavia sperimentati anche meccanismi di selezione delle liste elettorali alternativi alla raccolta firme.Per le elezioni politiche, in questo senso, si was decided that a list is exempt from collection in the case get the sponsorship of two at least two parlamentari.Non However, this is a satisfactory system, not only because it benefits the incumbent than the outsider, forced instead to collect expensive, but because the ' Parliamentary endorsement of the lists is often arbitrary and not tied to actual constraints of membership or political affiliation. It happens for example, that MPs are not re-nominated by their respective parties will "take revenge" giving their support to lists of disturbance.
In fact, we turn to some foreign experiences, you can find different models and interesting approach to the issue, however necessary, to attach a filter to the proliferation of lists of candidates and is definitely on the cards elettorali.In particularly noteworthy mechanism in place for ever in the United Kingdom and many other countries of tradition anglosassone.Per submit an application to an election Britain is a necessary number of signatures of all symbols (typically ten) but above the filing of an
bail money is returned if the number of votes exceeds a certain threshold reached .
In particular, the deposit required when submitting an application for a seat at Westminster is 500 pounds, a relatively low figure but British enough to weed out experience at least the most nominations inconsistenti.Le eccentric, or £ 500 is returned if the candidate exceeds 5% of the votes, otherwise they are forfeited by the Board elettorale.Peraltro one should not forget that to win a college in the "first-past-the post system "serves the UK average of 40% of the votes for the barrier to 5% for the return of security may be considered more than generous in the sense that if a candidate believes he has a chance to finish first in the college can not be for the less certain to arrive at least 5%. Accordingly, the loss of deposit to be unrealistic purely to discourage applications, including those that are candidates without having in fact no concrete chance of election.
It 'clear that in a multi-member district electoral system and proportional basically like the Italian one such mechanism should be "recalibrated" as an entity is a cash deposit of as a threshold percentage to be "saved." The amount to be deposited should be much greater because it is not only relates more to a single candidate from a single-member constituency but to a long list of candidates that often contribute to many seats in a relatively large constituency.
At the same time would lower the threshold for recovery, as in single-member districts while you win with 40-50% in proportional multi-member district may also elect to have with much lower rates, often ranging from 2 to 5% depending on the type of election. A threshold could perhaps be placed well positioned to 1% or even more flexibly to a quarter of a percentage necessary to obtain a seat. For example, if the seat is used to trigger the 3% might be "punished" for lists that get less than 0.75%.
The idea of \u200b\u200bhaving to pay to become a candidate can make up their noses at some well-meaning and giving rise to some hasty accusation of classism and antidemocraticità. A closer look, however, it would be easy enough to confutare.Fuor accusation of hypocrisy, after all, it is indisputable that we still want to do politics and money a serious campaign requires a significant budget. In this sense it is rather unlikely that the need to also pay a security represents in the total budget, a spending item so important.
must be said, then, that even have a serious and systematic collection of signatures requires high costs and even in some cases the parties have had to pass on the hiring of temporary labor to be able to successfully fine.Il security mechanism in the end relatively cheap. In particular, if the list exceeds the threshold of its final cost recovery is practically zero.
But even for those who lost their deposit lists the actual cost might reasonably be less than the expenditure necessaria per una raccolta firme.Merita di essere infine osservato che si tratta anche di un sistema autenticamente neutrale in quanto non garantisce nessun vantaggio istituzionale agli incumbent rispetto agli sfidanti, tanto più che la sua gestione non richiede alle liste di disporre di complesse macchine organizzative.La ragione principale per la quale, tuttavia, il modello britannico sarebbe preferibile al modello a raccolta firme è che è incomparabilmente più trasparente.Il modello a raccolta firme, in special modo calato nello scenario italiano, non ha fatto altro che generare illegalità generalizzata, truffe e sospetti.
Le norme previste per la raccolta firme non sono di per sé di facile applicabilità. La loro complessità, combined with the destructive habit of the main parties to close the growing list near the time of delivery of lists, makes the de jure rules are not followed in a systematic way by creating a de facto system of law, necessarily vague, where it is not clear at which point you can go to play with fire.
Every now and then messed up more than usual (or worse than usual) and someone gets caught. These situations - as well as throw a shadow on the overall regularity of the overall electoral process - may distort the outcome of major elections, as might occur in the Region Lazio.Non is said that the model is a collection of signatures to be rejected in itself, but in the specific scenario Italian political parties have long been shown not to be able to handle it the second minimum standards of decorum and political institutions.
The security is, for its part, a mechanism very clear and verifiable, in which there are "magheggi" and there is no room for jugglers of collected signatures. In Italy to introduce the British model could contribute significantly to bringing the electoral process in a framework of legal certainty and equal to tutti.In ultimately more satisfied with even an occasional rogue unmasked, it would be more effective to have a law that simple by itself be proof cialtroneria
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