Saturday, February 27, 2010

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Network of Committees for the Defence of the territory


Document of the Network Committees for the Defence of the territory during the next regional elections in Tuscany

The Network of Committees for the Defence of the territory is aimed at political forces that have
the upcoming regional elections in order to attract their attention and open
a discussion on problems of the 'environment, land, cultural heritage,
the health of citizens. He does it with this document,
extremely analytical and proactive, a real program of governance for the next term, in which the
criticisms are always timely and controversial proposals by
balanced planning and operational, in the spirit of an open and not with
ruling political forces and institutions. The Internet is not new to such initiatives:
remember only the documents submitted during the consultations
general policies in April 2008 and consultations on local and European
the spring of 2009, as well as the beautiful Conference on "Emergencies in Tuscany .
crisis of a regional model of development, " held in Florence in the summer of 2008.
the situation, as the network sees the complaint and is generally critical, in many cases
well beyond the danger level. The next regional consultations are an opportunity
extremely important to reaffirm the possibility of a healthy Tuscan model,
oriented similarly to the "conservation" and "development".
should reaffirm and consolidate the good intentions, and correct the many mistakes practical;
decision set off a new path based on careful control
political and technical decision-making and effective participation of citizens.
At the conclusion of this phase of consultations, the Network intends to organize a large-
Regional Conference to verify the results, which will take place before the next

INTRODUCTION The financial and economic crisis the country is producing a perverse
acceleration policies of exploitation and devastation of the territory. The decisions of
Italian Government, on highways, infrastructure and "great works", even for what regards the Tuscany
, confirm this. What we see, also, setting off a stage
"ecobusiness" (power plants, incinerators, wind randomly placed, etc.).
intended to confuse not only the public but also the guidance of the movement
environmentalist. On the other hand, the financial crunch in respect of local authorities and the abolition of the ICI
on first homes are pushing increasing consumption of land for the market
This picture is aggravated by the crisis in our region and local areas of the economy
district, with the transfer of capital construction industry. In this regard, the Committees
Network shows like that behind the discriminatory provision of any new consumer
soil there should be a valuable and innovative project that meets the criteria but speculative business
not aware of the finiteness and the value of environmental resources, after the
demonstrates the impossibility of recovering containers or areas already urbanized
(demonstration already provided by the LR 1 / 2005, Art. 3, and unobserved). In this sense, sustainable development means
research, innovation, education, vocational training, services to enterprises
, technologically advanced products, and skilled hospitality oriented -
a range of goods, mostly intangible, that are in our territory and our landscape
support of excellence. The challenge is therefore to seize the opportunities of the global economic crisis
and turn the area and so far deserted landscapes and
investment from the market, no less than dalla politica, le basi di un grande cantiere di manutenzione
ambientale e di mantenimento e gestione-valorizzazione dei patrimoni insediativi e rurali.
In sintesi: la legislazione e gli atti di pianificazione della Regione Toscana promettono buone
politiche e buoni piani a livello provinciale e locale, ma di fatto permettono cattive politiche,
cattivi piani e progetti distruttivi e inutili per la collettività, mentre le vere invarianti che la
Regione stabilisce e impone a Province e a Comuni sono le scelte infrastrutturali ed
energetiche, in molti casi inaccettabili in termini di compatibilità ambientale e paesaggistica.
Di fronte a una situazione strutturale così critica e a nuove modalità di consumo
of territory, qualitatively much more destructive than before, it would be useless
invoke a return to a schedule or a hierarchical system of bureaucratic controls,
eludibili always in fact. Rather, you should go forward on two grounds
closely intertwined. On the one hand and to foster real participation processes, except for a few worthy exceptions
hours confined in ritual gatherings attended mostly by representatives of the interests
land and buildings and on the other, raise issues of statutory
government of the territory, reduced now a declaration of principles, rhetorical statements
increasingly disregarded in practice.
La politica della Regione Toscana per il governo del territorio è incentrata sulla Legge R.
1/2005 e sul PIT. Questi strumenti sono stati presentati come un rimedio alle centinaia di
episodi che si sono verificati nel corso dell'ultimo decennio in Toscana e costituiscono delle
vere e proprie emergenze territoriali. La legge di governo del territorio e il piano regionale,
anche se definiti strumenti di pianificazione e programmazione, si limitano a proporre
indirizzi, metodologie, procedure, a dare buoni consigli di stampo narrativo, ma sono
inefficaci sia rispetto a grandi operazioni infrastrutturali, concordate in modo verticistico e
fell on the ground, both with respect to municipal planning, which are increasingly frequent
agreements over the heads of public administrations and among real estate interests.
In short, the choices of the territory are substantially removed from the elected body to
participation shall be subject to a permanent contract with economic,
financial, business and result in critical both at the administrative level, both in terms of transformations
actual territory. Among these, the main ones are:
a) The systematic and tolerated non-compliance by the municipalities of the indications of PIT
and territorial plans for coordination of the Provinces. This is a
growing number of cases, many of these reported observations in plans, its committees and the press
without causing any reaction by region and province,
rather than acquiesce, in many circumstances seem to be consenting or promoters
operations against the spirit and letter of the law and plans. The old
hierarchical system of controls by the regional technical committee has been replaced by
procedures of 'subsidiarity' and 'consultation' that take place in closed offices,
in a non-transparent and which weigh a lot more aspects of political consensus
that consistency with the principles of sustainability;
b) The structure of the Plan in the Structure Plan (SP) and Regulation
Urban (RU) has not achieved the goals we hoped, nor on
simplification of procedures (PS for long-term short-RU term, more or less tied to mandates
administration) and even with regard to the reduction of training time
plans. The most worrying aspect is the increasing number of RU,
that using the complete autonomy of the instrument - according to the LR 1 / 2005
act purely internal to the municipality - are expected departure from PS,
frequently oversized, clearly violating the law, but without the possibility di
intervento da parte della Regione (previa non volontà di intervento). Nei casi ‘normali’,
avviene spesso che il primo RU consumi tutte le previsioni del PS, con la conseguenza
che non si verifica la successione di più RU per ogni PS, ma si ricominci, anche a
distanza di pochi anni, con un nuovo abbinamento PS – RU. Per quanto riguarda i
tempi di formazione dei piani, molti Comuni impiegano per dotarsi di PS e RU un
tempo non inferiore a quello che occorreva per formare il PRG. Tant’è che anche
importanti Comuni, a 15 anni dalla legge 5, sono ancora sforniti di RU, e operano
attraverso antichi PRG. A tutto ciò si aggiunge che il regolamento urbanistico
has taken the form of the old plan with an increasing use of
variants, at least in theory, would require corresponding changes to the PS;
hence the tendency to make PS more and more 'light' and to increase flexibility
the UK.
c) The gradual weakening of the office component of the spatial planning
which had also formed in the mid-nineties, innovation
more appreciated outside of Tuscany's regional law. In fact, the 2005 Act
current practice and even more reduced to the rank of the invariant normal
predictions of the plan, as desired variables (variant of invariant is a communal agenda
increasingly common) the invariant that, in addition to their ineffectiveness
legislation, we are losing as they descend towards the provincial plans '
the bottom', to disappear entirely in the zoning . This is all the more worrying because
the status of the territory of the ITP with its invariant (transposed to
pleasure and not for transmission policy) is identified with the landscape plan
regional This issue must be urgently addressed in the next few
months as from 1 January 2010 the art. 146 of the Code of the landscape opens
a 'transitional phase' - Which will last until the Region and municipalities do not have adequate tools to their
Landscape Plan - in which the opinion of the superintendent on
authorization shall be binding. The Tuscan landscape plan was, in fact,
adopted by the Regional Council in June 2009 but is still under joint review with the bodies of
MIBAC and will certainly not be approved in 2010 (after
provinces and municipalities will have to bring their instruments urban design, which presumably will come with time
the end of term).
d) The speculative building in areas of environmental and landscape;
un'edificazione no use Social and valid business projects, but
based on appropriation of revenue. The resulting proliferation of initiatives
'development' which take the form of holiday resorts, luxury hotels, residences,
second and third homes, marinas, etc. (besides, of course, business and commercial centers
ordinary urbanization);
e) The spread of illegal behavior favored by the absence of any control or
enforcement proceedings by the region, compounded by the failure
operation of 'inter-institutional Joint Conference' of the art. 24,
25, 26 LR 1 / 2005, with which he has power to use the body that considers
violated his plan by municipalities, the only corrective to the bland
total autonomy of local authorities.
f) Lack of proper planning on the themes of energy,
waste management, mining (the latter also provided on the Sites
Natura 2000), large infrastructure projects, airports,
g) A persistent and widespread land use, with agricultural land
interpreted in practice not as urban area with its specific and irreplaceable role
production, but as space waiting to become something more.
h) The absence in the LR 1 / 2005, in the ITP and PSR 2007-2013
of specific actions for the recovery and preservation of cultural landscapes that do not have to be retrained but
i) In the future, can not exclude the the pernicious drift toward legislative model
Lombard, with the complete abandonment of the office component and 'invariant' (already weakened
), and reversing the essential thrust of the urban plan;
this, an instrument that - at least in the legal principles applicable - pursues
public purposes which should balance the private interests, would become an act in a concerted
negotiation obbligata con gli operatori immobiliari. In
sintesi, si profila l’abbandono del ruolo strategico dell’ente locale a favore di una
contrattazione a tutto campo fatta di ‘bandi’ e ‘avvisi pubblici’ e di ‘progetti integrati’.
Un discorso specifico meritano le infrastrutture e le ‘grandi opere’. La Toscana, senza
distinzione alcuna rispetto alle regioni governate dal centro-destra, è soggetta ad alcune
scelte infrastrutturali (ritenute non discutibili, le vere invarianti per la Regione),
subalterne a decisioni privatistiche, imposte e mai verificate. Si tratta, nel complesso, di
‘temi’ utili in themselves, but profoundly wrong solutions and projects in terms of costs and benefits to the community
It 's the case of the SAT-Region of Tuscany in 2005 for the so-called "corridor
Tyrrhenian," both useless and expensive and destructive of the territory (see Dossier
August 2004, the observation satellite to the project in August 2005 and the Press October 2007
environmental groups and the network, already in possession of the region), it is the case
the design of the crossing and 78 (Grosseto-Fano)
consecrated in the landscape paintings of Piero della Francesca, near the historic center Monterchi,
in the province of Arezzo; è il caso della TAV Firenze-Bologna; è il caso della terza corsia
della autostrada A1 tra Firenze sud e Incisa; è il caso del sotto-attraversamento TAV di
Firenze, opera inutile, pericolosissima, costosissima; è il caso del proliferare di proposte
di aeroporti non solo rischiosi ma anche economicamente controproducenti e
paesisticamente deturpanti; iniziative quest’ultime, fra cui spicca il progetto di
potenziamento dell’aeroporto di Ampugnano in una zona di alta qualità ambientale. Sono
questi soltanto alcuni dei casi di maggior rilievo, che impongono a forze politiche, Regione
e associazioni di prendere posizione con nettezza per la revoca o la revisione profonda di
such projects, if implemented only intended to provide further havoc and densification of
It is also the unresolved question of managing the impacts during construction of
'great works'. The solution so far identified at the national level with the establishment of specific
observers (AV is the Florence-Bologna, for the underpass in the AV node
Florence, for the highway crossing variant) presents strong elements of critical
with reference to tasks, and the composition of these bodies. It is, in fact, in the presence of
'controllers' who have an internal conflict of interest for structural
presence the other party, ie the person making the work. This makes you less
every requirement of impartiality and neutrality, and then set up a faculty proposal
peremptory but not of limitation. In essence, observers
arise mainly as tables of consultation between governments and enterprises to manage
agreed on the possible environmental emergencies, and conversely companies
inevitably tend to resist requests for reduction of impacts by referring to
projects formally approved
In summary, infrastructure and major projects can contribute to the modernization of
country and the revitalization of its economy, unless they meet a real collective needs and
if not destructive of the territorial heritage understood as a cultural and economic well
, which primarily means that they must not be designed as
sector operations and private law, but in the policy of sustainable development and to
environmental sustainability. Among several options you must choose the least impacting
which almost always turns out - but this is often considered a flaw - the

PARTICIPATION 4.1 The issue of citizen involvement in government decisions of the territory,
forms of democracy partecipata, è presente in tutte le proposte che seguono e dovrà
anche portare a una revisione della LR 69/2007. Qui indichiamo due temi specifici,
mentre altri saranno trattati nei singoli punti.
Piani urbanistici. La partecipazione di cittadini ai piani urbanistici deve esplicarsi nel
processo di formazione del piano e non soltanto - nel migliore dei casi - nelle
valutazioni ex post. Se fosse accettata la proposta di separare lo statuto del territorio
dal piano, facendone del primo la carta costituzionale (v. punto seguente), la
partecipazione dei cittadini, oltre che nella formulazione dello statuto, si troverebbe
un importante campo di azione nel controllo della conformità dei piani allo statuto
In un periodo più breve si propone di applicare – quando richieste da associazioni,
comitati e cittadini, - le modalità di partecipazione previste al capo IV della legge
69/2007 (legge sulla partecipazione) a tutti i piani urbanistici comunali in fase di
elaborazione. A tale scopo sarà necessario definire un tavolo tecnico che modifichi
alcuni articoli della legge suddetta (ad esempio gli articoli riguardanti i soggetti che
possono presentare la domanda e i requisiti di ammissibilità) per rendere effettiva e
sistematica la partecipazione del pubblico.
Un’effettiva partecipazione should include all those processes 'side'
(conference services, program agreements, etc.). they have taken in the form of
shortcut, the decisions impacting the area. It is therefore proposed that the
conference services, including those relating to mandatory landscape assets
(pending implementation of the agreement between the Region and the Ministry of Culture
stipulated under Article 143, paragraph 3, of d . lgs. 42/2004), on request,
are eligible to participate, to submit statements, comments, suggestions, etc..
the associations in the area concerned.
Still on the theme of participation, is must reiterate the need - already reported by our network
in its observations to the Landscape Plan - to establish a landscape
Observatory for monitoring the processing and protection of
other landscape assets. The Centre could also recover
functions already provided for the Provincial Commission for the landscape, since
officially established in March 2007, but never came into operation: these were the places to renegotiate,
also with the involvement of environmental associations, the criteria
demarcation and protection, which at present are those of the law 1497 of 1939.
An initial proposal for the role of the territorial state, already paid to
Tuscany in the form of observation to the PIT, is the medium term, because it requires a substantial revision
not only legislative but also a phase of development
operational. The proposal is to finally give effect to the Articles of Association of the statutes of
regional and local authorities, escaping the variability and contingency plan
. The statute, articulated in the various supra-municipal
must assume the role of the Constitutional Charter of the territory, a card that should arise from a reading
extensive participation of the identifying characteristics of land and landscape, not be changed except by procedures
particolari e rigorose documentazioni
scientificamente fondate, in cui sia ancora centrale la partecipazione dei cittadini.
Nello statuto dovrebbe essere concentrata la disciplina riguardante il paesaggio,
distinguendola dalla pianificazione del territorio che, data la sua natura in parte
variabile, non può discendere dallo statuto, ma a questo deve conformarsi in modo
sostanziale. E’ utile sottolineare che gli statuti del territorio così formulati non
stabiliscono soltanto come invarianti quello che deve essere conservato per le
generazioni future, ma anche le regole che devono essere seguite nelle trasformazioni
del territorio, affinché la tutela dell’identità dei luoghi si coniughi con un loro
sviluppo durevole.
La Regione Toscana, il 15 giugno 2009, con un Atto della Giunta Regionale ha
approvato la proposta di legge “Norme in materia di Valutazione Ambientale
Strategica, di valutazione di Impatto Ambientale, e di Valutazione di Incidenza, in
attuazione della Direttiva 2001/42/CE.”
La VAS è prevista su piani e programmi che possono avere impatti significativi
sull’ambiente (di fatto contenenti interventi da assoggettare a VIA), i quali, in ogni
caso possono essere sottoposti a verifica di assoggettabilità. La VAS sostituisce la
Valutazione integrata che nel quinquennio trascorso è stata svolta, salvo lodevoli
eccezioni, come una procedura burocratica dagli esiti già scontati, mentre nei rari
casi in cui la valutazione è stata negativa, questa non è stata tenuta in
considerazione dal comune stesso. La VAS deve perciò superare i limiti e la
sostanziale inefficacia di una prassi in corso in cui i valutatori spesso non danno
garanzie di terzietà rispetto ai desiderata del committente.
Poiché si tratta di materia estremamente complessa che deve essere coordinata con
normative europee e nazionali, la Rete propone un tavolo di discussione in cui siano
approfonditi alcuni provvedimenti della legge, al fine di migliorare l’efficacia della
legge stessa e, soprattutto le possibility of effective participation by the public
. Among the topics to be reviewed indicate how crucial:
a) The effective autonomy of the individual responsible (who instructs and guides the VAS) from
subject proceeding which is responsible for the approval of the plan or program (see art.
12 which speaks only of 'separation' and shows how the regional government entity responsible
when the region is subject to the proceeding). Municipalities should ensure that, if subjects
proceeding, indicate how competent institutions subject to supervision or
fact linked to the interests of the applicant and / or the municipality itself.
b) The need to revise the rules for participation che iniziano, salvo che siano
attivati i processi previsti al capo IV della legge 69/2007, dalla presentazione del
‘rapporto ambientale’.
c) Che il rapporto ambientale (redatto dal proponente) preveda progetti realmente
alternativi. Il rapporto deve, inoltre, registrare in maniera fedele e attendibile, il modo
nel quale si è sviluppato il processo di valutazione ambientale ed è stata selezionata,
tra quelle possibili, l’alternativa al piano più sostenibile.
d) La filiera VAS-VIA deve prevedere anche l’opzione zero.
In definitiva la VAS deve accompagnare la formazione di piani e programmi come
strumento di coinvolgimento, di partecipazione, di valutazione alternatives, and constructing a decision path
environmentally oriented
throughout the drafting of the plan.
about the path, it should be noted that the process has definitely lost its
character of 'open process' work for assessment, with broad participation of the public
, in favor of a political negotiation to conduct top-level.
E'necessario instead of the VIA retrieve a value that integrates scientific and technical
environmental aspects in the design of the work in the prospect of a
environmental risk prevention or mitigation of their
effective and not merely cosmetic, not merely a pronouncement ex-post.
The Tuscany Region in recent years has mortified the role of the PLANNING
Province, gradually limited its powers (for example, was eliminated
responsibilities assigned in the first instance, to cooperate in the formulation of
'landscape quality objectives' in fact
jumping directly from the principles and good intentions of the regional municipal instruments.
dangerous then it appears the choice of breaking the protection of the landscape in many
municipal plans, given the structural and relational landscape.
The danger is, namely, that in the absence of a effective coordination of municipal plans, and
given the vagueness of the guidelines and objectives contained in the schedules of the plan
landscape, the same type of landscape is subject to measures and safeguards
different and contradictory. Another serious lack of prescriptive legislation with respect to the contents of
regional planning is that of the provincial
size of the plans and municipal regulations for which lacks any
providing methods and criteria.
In essence, you must rethink deeply the option of phasing out
planning for large areas, a choice that runs counter to what is happening in many European countries
more 'advanced' than ours, where
apply state laws that restrict the consumption of land for urbanization and where it locates in
size sub-regional and supra-municipal level where they can govern
transformation processes that require coordination and policy unit,
those on the landscape in the first place. E ', moreover, essential to give the PTC
responsibility to determine (albeit through agreed routes)
the dimensions of the municipal planning instruments. Continue with the absolute, final
, municipal autonomy with regard to growth forecasts can not
lead to oversizing of the plans, the first factor dilapidation of the area

From an operational standpoint is to strengthen the organizations of the provinces, now
reduced to a minimum and engaged in bureaucratic tasks, reassign tasks to
specific and prescriptive right to the provincial plans, just because of the fact
are or should be formulated in concert with the municipalities. Needless to say, for what
concerning the protection of the landscape (such as large equipment and facilities), should be a part
aggregation between areas of different provinces (
separate plans for the provinces of Florence, Prato and Pistoia are nonsense), the other
articulation of these territories on the basis of structural considerations or
homogeneity of characteristics. Joints that could be supra-municipal
the reference of 'the statutes of the territory' in the preceding paragraph.
Compliance by local authorities in the PIT - more so for its significance
landscape plan - and the plans of the provinces should cover the letter and spirit
purposes and not to be interpreted as bureaucratic compliance limited (
in the best case) to the prescriptive standards, more so must intervene at
amministrativo per reprimere la diffusa non osservanza dei
principi fondativi della legge di governo del territorio; in questo senso, la separazione
fra statuto del territorio e piano urbanistico o territoriale sarebbe un passo decisivo.
Poiché una simile riarticolazione del governo del territorio non è attuabile in tempi
brevi, è necessario da una parte riassegnare un ruolo significativo alla pianificazione
provinciale (v. punto precedente), dall’altra individuare dei meccanismi che assicurino
la conformità effettiva dei diversi livelli istituzionali di governo del territorio. In
questo senso dovrebbero essere anche rivisti il ruolo e la composizione della
Conferenza paritetica interistituzionale - Now purely political. In
three years of (non) functioning of the Conference, were raised
only two cases of incompatibility between top provincial and municipal land use plan.
a clear signal that no region or Province to 'bring the matter before'
the conference despite the numerous cases of conflict between provincial plans and municipal planning instruments
or PIT. They will be also changes the way that 'access' to the conference, making it possible
by associations of citizens without the filter of local
or region.
The Plan Rural Development 2007-2013, as regards the protection of the landscape
agriculture and its traditional elements, represents a decisive step backwards
the previous plan did not contain any specific measure in this respect, if not the level
216, Action 3 for the "creation, storage and retrieval of items
land of ecological and landscape interest
the protection and conservation of plant and animal biodiversity such as dry stone walls, hedges,
ponds, artificial pools." The conceptual limit of the measure is that it aims to
non-productive investments, while it is clear that only agriculture to produce
beni o servizi, meglio se innovativi e di alta qualità, può tutelare il paesaggio
e, viceversa, non è possibile conservare un paesaggio storico (se non in casi
eccezionali) se esso non è in grado di produrre un reddito, ciò che, appunto, viene
esplicitamente escluso nella misura in questione - peraltro dotata di un modesto
finanziamento. In sintesi, il PSR 2006-2013 non coglie le opportunità del piano
strategico nazionale contenute nel capitolo 7, e in particolare nell’asse 2, dove sono
suggerite alcune ‘azioni specifiche, di notevole importanza e prettamente di natura
paesaggistica (cioè volte alla promozione di valori storico-culturali e non di sola
sustainability). It should also emphasize the total disconnect between PSR and ITP, clear,
for example, in 'cards and landscape quality objectives', part of the landscape
framework of the ITP, which repeatedly refers to nonexistent
measures aimed at PIT recovery and the protection and enhancement of the landscape
agriculture, traditional, defined as a value added economically. 4.8
energy issues.
The "energy problem" through life's daily existence
all Italian citizens, and Tuscany and also in our case in this area should be
overturned the prevailing logic so far.
Per ciò che riguarda la politica di gestione dei rifiuti, la Regione è tuttora proiettata
nella programmazione di inceneritori: una politica rispetto alla quale la Rete dichiara
la propria netta contrarietà, mentre poche sono le azioni per il compostaggio e il
riciclaggio programmato, la riduzione a monte dei rifiuti, la raccolta porta a porta e gli
impianti di trattamento a freddo.
Per quanto riguarda l’uso delle risorse geotermiche per la produzione di energia
elettrica. la Regione Toscana dovrebbe valutare più accuratamente gli impatti
ambientali e sanitari delle alte entalpie, per troppo tempo trascurati dall’Enel, e
riconoscere le varie specificità territoriali. A questo riguardo, particolare attenzione
merita la tutela dell’Amiata al fine di salvaguardare le sue caratteristiche
paesaggistiche, agroturistiche e termali, e il suo importante serbatoio di risorsa idrica
Dovrebbe inoltre essere ripensata la programmazione degli impianti di produzione di
energia elettrica ottenuta attraverso l’uso di combustibili fossili (petrolio e metano). Le
politiche autorizzative devono tendere a ridurre al minimo l’utilizzazione di
combustibili fossili e, qualora il loro uso non sia sostituibile, massimizzarne il
rendimento. Anche in questo caso è fondamentale non solo che sia predisposto un
piano energetico regionale degno di questo nome, ma che is set to compete
sectorial policies on the preservation of the territorial extent
global from the point of urban planning, landscape, environment and health, the primary purpose
to contain and reduce the overall impact on the territories. Needless to say, the rejection of nuclear
because clearly uneconomic and it has no solutions
reliable for the problem of disposing of radioactive waste.
In particular, at present, to better define and approve the Regional Energy Plan
with these purposes, we need a moratorium on
location of new facilities and undertaking an assessment, taking into
account the full energy cycle.
These activities have a particular relevance in Tuscany, so that the PIT
seems to want precedence over the increased requirements of conservation of the landscape -
so even in parks and regional reserves it admits the possibility of giving rise to
'new excavation sites' (Discipline of General Plan art. 6 c. 2 p. a). There are also
complexes, notably the agro Apuan marble, which in fact are exempt from any regulatory
tool for the regulation of mining activities is, in Tuscany, PAER (Piano
regional mining and recovery of the excavated areas). The plant
General PRAER shows the limits of an instrument of urban planning that aims
, improperly, the aim of influencing the economic behavior of a
product category, rather than trying to solve environmental sustainability
mining in begin by comparing the excavations under the regime
vincolistico regional and national levels, of which there is no trace and, conversely,
should have been a major discriminating factor.
this shortcoming is the sum of knowledge: the elements of representation
the region from the geological point of view, the analysis of fabbisogno, della produzione e
della produttività potenziale sono inadeguati quando non del tutto assenti.
La maggiori lacune del PRAER si evidenziano in particolare su questi elementi:
a) è basato su una descrizione superficiale dei giacimenti (le materie prime), non sono
state individuate in maniera analitica le risorse ma sono state repertate quelle
segnalate, talvolta con errori materiali, perimetrando aree in cui la risorsa non esiste
o è comunque indisponibile; ne segue che la Carta delle Risorse del Piano non
descrive le reali disponibilità, ma rappresenta un “collage” di aspettative pubbliche e
private in merito alla messa in produzione dei giacimenti più appetibili;
b) documentation of the production of recent years is at least
incomplete, and there is even a complete census of
articulated and mining activities;
c) was not carried out a realistic analysis of supply and local demand, to identify
through an in-depth study and documented by product categories and
catchment areas. The breakdown of primary materials in the industry PRAER I and II
sector does not ensure the sustainability of the intended "provincial self-sufficiency" and vice versa causes
forcing the market, encouraging non-regional players, released from quota
d) una questione molto importante, invece è liquidata con poche righe che non portano
alcun contributo di novità, è il problema delle cave dismesse prima del 1995 e da
recuperare, che infatti restano a costituire ampie ferite nel paesaggio.
A tutto ciò va a sommarsi l’inerzia di molte Province, che avrebbero dovuto allestire i
piani di loro competenza e che invece sono tutt’ora vacanti.
Lo scenario complessivo è quello di un settore ampiamente lasciato all’intraprendenza
dei privati, con un’accondiscendenza coerente con la percezione industriale del
paesaggio: non valore in sé, ma risorsa grezza la cui ‘valorizzazione’ è da conseguire e
measured with a yardstick of economic viability.

President Alberto Asor


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