Sunday, February 28, 2010

Vw Dune Buggy Ontario


Qui non si parla di politica, si lavora”

Ho girato per le strade e per le piazze, camminato nelle periferie antiche e recenti , mi sono seduto ai tavolini dei caffè, sulle panchine dei giardini pubblici; ho assistito alle rumorose partite di briscola nelle ex Case del popolo semideserte, sono tornato negli uffici che frequentavo una volta, mi sono soffermato fra i ragazzi che occupano con i motorini il Sabato sera; ho girato i mercatini rionali dove migliaia di persone comprano e vendono qualche ora di libertà. Sono perfino andato una domenica stage without knowing how the fans, I played bells unnecessarily to the deaf clubs of PD I searched everywhere, with thoughtful caution, any opportunity to begin a dialogue on the many problems that afflict us. To hear one of those phrases that once (not so long ago) now provoked sharp responses, verbal confrontations, unique ironies and, ultimately, final friendly slaps on the back. It was the people of the left perennially contentious and angry against the government for one hundred reasons for the funding of Catholic schools, for the scandal of thousands of billions of pounds of "gentlemen" who went abroad without paying taxes, for the involvement of too many cardinals on scelte democratiche dello Stato, per il clamoroso conflitto di interessi imposto al Paese dal Capo del governo, uomo più ricco d’Italia, per i nostri soldati mandati insieme ai marines americani a esportare la democrazia in giro per il mondo, per la difficoltà di arrivare ogni mese a farla pari , per gli evasori fiscali conosciuti da tutti, con l’auto ogni anno più grossa e la villa al mare.
Ora nessuno parla , se ci provi, se chiedi un giudizio su un argomento politico, si voltano da un’altra parte immusoniti come se li avessi offesi. E’ diventata una comunità silenziosa che vegeta in tranquillo relax senza sguardi per il futuro e memorie del passato. Con un campo visivo limitato, quanto serve per andare avanti day after day without ever choose. And no matter what's going on. During the last war, fascism was put up in factories and offices, two famous posters: one with the curved shape of a workers' intention to work with the words "we are not talking about politics, working" with an untrustworthy face el'avviso a perfidious English, in large letters "be quiet! the enemy is listening. "
We should remember, dear friends, fellow forecasts unfortunately true that we made months before the last elections. He said, careful, do not we have more contacts with people, we do not have more dialogue with the people of the left. Now I'm coming regional elections and something changed, worse than before. You are no longer you, dear leaders of the PD to have lost touch with the people, the people of the left that is not looking for more. You would only take over the streets, factories, offices for this city and call them one by one hoping that it can be definitely late.

Carlo Montain

February 28, 2010

PS Perhaps you are engaged exclusively in toys known and therefore unbearable to the tactic of pre-Party Congress in May. Continuing so there may be neither the Congress nor ever in May.


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