Monday, February 22, 2010

Duofem And Ferrous Fumarate


In defense of Berlusconi

have long felt a persistent desire for intellectual honesty. Yes, because you can contempt, for instance, Berlusconi as a man, do not appreciate him as a politician or, God forbid, as a statesman. But you can not attend, without a gesture of solidarity understanding, beating the record held for years which is daily subjected. Unworthy of a massacre that deserves some thoughtful reflection. Meanwhile, because many judges (they say more than eight hundred) are interested only in the Premier leaving hundreds, nay, thousands of offenders, if exemplary punishment, it could generate an indisputable satisfaction nocturnal discussions of loud, sometimes even bickering with horrible blasphemies; immodest clamorous public attention to the passing ladies, heavy insults to public officials, not regular sales made at the margins of local markets by Senegalese peripatetic unbearably insistent and often offensive, and so on crime. Take them and
condannateli without extenuating circumstances, are there at your fingertips, no need for complicated requests in foreign countries and do not cry, they, in conspiracy or political persecution by the columns of the newspapers and on TV the other hand, as a mysterious bitten by a tarantula, a groups seemingly isolated but close to a national compact, mainly devoted time, energy and public resources to prosecute a man who, moreover, has dozens, nay, hundreds of companies, firms, companies, investments, profit-sharing or less known, often heterogeneous and of questionable quality and size, in Italy and abroad. And when this vast empire of economic and financial well-deserving of the lucky dealer shows a straw, a small irregularities so, the outcry is transformed with absurd and inappropriate speed in a beam where he hanged the chief of the government.
Another reflection is necessary. Think about it. The rancor, compressed now uncontrollable spasm of the judiciary, often in provocative behavior goes beyond with which he tries to hit, along with the Premier, mirrored many of his friends of unquestioned honesty is the blatant attempt to bring down an entire management team at the exclusive service of the country. This is the famous accusation of competition more or less with the Mafia. Innocent friendships, cohabitation, temporary normal repeated accidental meetings, political connections, meetings between old friends, are secretly "attention" with survey instruments offensive and inappropriate. These methods, once and for all, must end. A clear distinction should be formalized insurmountable: Mafia is a condition of criminal law that the magistrate, at the cost of living, should be strictly pursued. Being a friend, adviser, sodale socio in affari di un mafioso, cosa diversa è. Altrimenti sarebbe come se, a seguito di una rapina, si arrestassero non solo gli autori materiali ma anche il palo, il basista e il fornitore delle armi
Ora ho capito, finalmente, perché i provvedimenti legislativi assunti per proteggere il “Perseguitato”dagli attacchi della magistratura, sono eticamente indispensabili. Il fatto preoccupante è che questi magistrati, infatuati dalla troppa libertà concessa, stanno pericolosamente aumentando i soprusi a loro piacimento. Da qualche tempo (ormai quotidianamente) una grandinata di inchieste, avvisi di garanzia,arresti,indagini,sequestri,perquisizioni ,si abbatte in tutte le direzioni senza rispetto per nessuno : Governors, ladies, ministers, advisors, mythologized leaders of public bodies, directors of simple left / right of center in Milan to Florence to Rome, Naples, Bari Cosenza
... ... ... What? Do not you smell a new Tangentopoli? It is still fuming and devastating destruction of the First Republic, political and institutional knocked down by a pool of judges with a shiny subversive conspiracy. We must stop them, we should do together before the democratic system restored and improved by Berlusconi, is occupied and governed by more PM angry to be stopped because they are inextricable knot of our problems, cancer that eats away healthy tissue in this country, the metastasis that paralyzes republican institutions and the government held in check. And there are those who defend them, they say, are good people working professionally. Few are the senseless, fanatical Manichaean be subjected to psychiatric examination, as proposed by Prime Minister Berlusconi. As in all categories meet people of little value absolutely unfit to perform their important functions. Think for a moment to Scaiola. There seems, with that face, that the minister can do? Yet there is a ten-year jumps in disbelief when they call with a minister and tries desperately to understand commitment, chasing them, the words he says. But the judges do not. They are a corporation to which the Constitution has enormous powers that are recognized mainly used for conditioning and override the other branches of government.
We must stop them soon, at any cost. We could find otherwise (we almost) to the clink of the handcuffs and the destruction of parties, majority and opposition. With Diliberto and the Pensioners' Party to govern the country.

Carlo Montain

February 21, 2010


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