Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Replacement For Aluminum Keel

Chinese in Prato: the real challenge is not integration, but the survival of the Western model of the rule of law.

reading some reports today on the setting in Prato, the presence of Minister Roberto Maroni, of the Permanent Table on Immigration, there is never appeased by the attempt to revive some parts of the solution through the integration of alien and pervasive presence of the Chinese community in the area. As if twenty years of failures not had taught him anything! Immigration
Chinese in Prato is not exclusively economic migration that has as its objective the integration, as we understand it, within our host communities to enjoy the benefits and ways of life that immigrants face in our city \u200b\u200band in our country. There is part of a company when you choose the target company, we accept it, and hopefully be part of it in first person and with their children, contributing to its prosperity. This happens in Italy for many ethnic groups, but not for the Chinese.
You can not complain that the Chinese community has not yet had the opportunity to enter into communication with the community Prato Italian and because of our mistakes. An immigrant from China will not move to Italy because he loves Italy, appreciate their culture and want their children to live according to our habits. A Chinese immigrant, particularly from the province of Zhejiang, moves to create an opportunity for gain, for economic success, regardless of the country where this project might lead, or at most family planning to escape tax at home and ensure a numerous offspring. A Chinese immigrant
maintains tight their citizenship, because he knows very well that the Republic of China law prohibits dual citizenship, and if you give up would be immediately considered a traitor. The network of relationships of solidarity and cooperation between Chinese is so well oiled to stay willfully impenetrable. That network needs for its survival, remain outside the host society, because otherwise it would be suppressed by its rules. This network creates places of extra-territoriality in foreign countries and poses a serious threat to the rule of law in Western countries, especially Italy.
The Chinese immigration is a big challenge for the nation state and Europe. The presence of the Chinese community leads the state to question its role, and the reasons for its existence. That which our institutions can not force the way forward an integration which is not required, nor desired, by the vast majority of these Chinese in Prato. What government can do is exercise its powers so that Chinese businesses comply with the rules that our community has been given and that such businesses are legally distribute the benefits to all communities involved. Dominance for the production and distribution of Chinese products should be returned to a mutual benefit. The State must be able to relate the presence of the second Chinese business rationality.
our mayor has done well to involve our government, the diplomats of the Republic of China, and Europe too. It 'a quantum leap necessary to counter il fenomeno. Vi è un problema generale sul controllo dell'immigrazione economica cinese in Italia, in Europa, e in molte parti del mondo. Se la Cina comunista vuole essere un partner mondiale affidabile e cooperativo deve provvedere alla corretta gestione dei flussi migratori provenienti dal paese.
La sfida a mio avviso non riguarda l'integrazione dei migranti cinesi, ma la vera sfida è la sopravvivenza del nostro modello occidentale di diritto e di convivenza nei confronti della strisciante e sottile aggressione economica e culturale di un mondo diasporico e transnazionale proveniente dalla Cina continentale, ed in particolare dalla provincia dello Zhejiang.

Damiano Baroncelli


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