Monday, February 15, 2010

Does Carnival Do Group Discounts


Lo Statista di Hammamet

L’Italia ufficiale e istituzionale,quella which remains always the same as the country changes, celebrated last week, with nonchalant seriousness, the tenth anniversary of the death of Benedetto Craxi (born Bettino) highlighting the exceptional merits of policy, the unparalleled talents as a statesman and, in some cases, other advantages little-known but, for fans of amateurs, very valuable socio-historical, political and decorative. The highlight of the ceremony, more touching and televised, of course, was held in Hammamet, where he had commemorated the distinguished easily stopped the run, chased fleeing from Italy because of a conviction by a court to eight years in prison for extortion. Crimes committed during the 'pursuit of important public functions obtained illegally significant "recommendations" of money (from public and private). Denaro then placed, with considerable knowledge of banking, current accounts in foreign countries, appropriately masked and armored vehicles. Maybe in countries that still maintain a minimum of awe for the rigorous fundamental principles of democratic living, this initiative was not even imaginable. In those countries, when they occur so blatantly made morally harmful by public men, he strongly condemned and promptly stop delegating to the very private piety of the few diehard fans. With us, however, with all the troubles that oppress us, it was found, with top-ease, an agreement dusty melancholy sound: faded memories e lontanissime emozioni sono state sapientemente ricondotti al brivido del socialismo garibaldino di cui “l’esule” si rivestiva con studiati atteggiamenti.
La nostalgica adunata,organizzata impietosamente intorno alla tomba tunisina ,ha consegnato allo spettatore medio,uno spettacolo di penosa comprensione . Per l’intreccio indissolubile di vittorie e di sconfitte,di errori fatali e presunzioni inconcepibili che è stato il suo modo di spendere la vita per il Paese. C’è,intorno alla tomba,uno sparuto gruppo di anziani socialisti, commossi,con la vecchia tessera del P.S.I. stretta fra le dita;si offrono con mesta prontezza alle telecamere frotte di ministri,deputati e senatori riciclati,socialisti di allora ,di ora, di sempre (alla loro ininterrotta dedizione all’ideale supremo del Socialismo si deve ancora la nostra amara speranza del “sol dell’avvenire);si consuma freddamente,come in un set cinematografico sperimentale,la funebre rappacificazione tra i fratelli-coltelli i. Non si capisce perchè seduti sulle opposte sponde del potere; riservati e supponenti,quattro o cinque intellettuali del glorioso prorompente P.S.I. ricordano,modestia a parte,di aver adattato al nuovo corso berlusconiano,il catartico” Saggio su Proudhon ,“ capolavoro filosofico politico di Bettino.
C’è chi queste facce ,ed altre saggiamente assenti,le ricorda ancora sicure di sé in Via del Corso a Roma o,fino a tarda notte, reserved hotel rooms in the shadow of Raphael. meet in friendly confidence discovery, administrators of large public and private companies, brokers of all shapes and comes in a convenient and souk now essential for the strategy craxiana. Let's face it, the reunion in Hammamet has shown its despicable true meaning of certification of welding pseudo politics, electorally decisive, between two great myths "that, far from being united by political affinity, the last two decades have radically transformed this country.: a slimy swamp where anyone can easily float without the burden of unnecessary principles, convictions, courage Example anxiety too irritating banal, the commemoration hosted by the District Centre and organized by unknown blatantly circles and circles "socialist" members of the PDL. The presenters babble initial embarrassment, he was immediately faced with two forgettable interventions: a Cape Regional Group of the PDL Magnolfi Albert, seconded by quietly and almost forgotten past experience, the other, the Hon. Mazzoni, freer and functional has cleverly turned a staggering festive commemoration in the exaltation of a meeting of the party. And I knew that the politician in vogue and unfortunately the man with his now indicates weakness, I went to that party by leaving the heart providing the moral ruin inevitably induced by a secretary involved in a flurry of uncontrollable selfishness and immorality addicted used and tolerated by him, I am surprised to say it quietly, Bettino, all things considered you do not deserve this disrespectful treatment. We have turned over in their hands as indelicate found an old toy in the corner of an attic to display during the election campaign Please scusali. And do not you stick the corner of some street, in their own image and likeness

Carlo Montain

February 14, 2010.


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