Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Funny Cross Country Sayings


tax frauds

the widespread alarm raised by those who rely on the theory of global warming a rough explanation of what is happening and will happen simultaneously spreading expectations on a hypothetical human-climate control, it would be easy , but limited, in contrast with statements mocking sign of global cooling.
In fact the thesis of warming now devoid of all credibility, living for months now, Europe geographical el'Emisfero North American continent a situation exacerbated by seasonal cooling that followed the facts in rebuttal ads dissolution glaciers of the Arctic ice cap, then extended to Asian countries dell'Himalaja.
These denials, occurred either during or close to the Conference in Copenhagen by the IPCC itself, have therefore, with some embarrassment clarification, cool tones of the most catastrophic climate.
Also from Copenhagen, or rather the so-called climate gate, then came those are clear evidence that made clear to the world that British scientists at the University of East Anglia had manipulated the data for changes in the earth's temperature to strengthen the argument the heating of our planet - scientists, these East Anglia, all confessed to a research group funded UN (IPCC) -, thus providing the Herald Tribune on December 14, 2009 the opportunity to make public an impressive documentation of fraud in the development of renewable wind energy, in much of Europe, including Italy. To all this we add that on Dec. 20, also of 2009, the Daily Telegraph has presented a puzzling report on conflicts of interest of Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, the same who called the objections of scientists to global warming "the result of a science voodoo ", noting that this is not only President of the IPCC, but also lends itself as a consultant for many public organizations and industrial enterprises involved in the promotion of renewable energies, or rather the so-called industry climate. I'm so identified interests of banks and investment funds that in India alone are worth more than thirty billion and that depend on the choices and decisions of the UN Commission chaired by the same Pachauri.
therefore more than a climate issue is a matter of contention in markets which recently seems to have entered a free rider.
on this runaway train is in fact gone up, without paying the ticket, the sheikh of terror, with a clever move that the media has launched a seductive appeal for all those green fundamentalists who hate the West, opening its ranks also laici miscredenti.
È infatti certamente non religiosa la ricetta proposta da Osama Bin Laden per far fronte ai cambiamenti climatici indotti dall’industria occidentale, in quanto viene proposta un’economia che si discosti il più possibile da quella basata sul dollaro.
Avvertendo la difficoltà di condurre con profitto la sua guerra, Al Qaeda decide dunque, con tale messaggio, di rafforzare la sua ideologia e al contempo di aprire un nuovo fronte bellico, quello economico.
In tale contesto diviene di grande attualità ricordare l’analisi ideologico-politica svolta dal Presidente della Repubblica Ceca Vaclav Klaus nel suo saggio “Pianeta blu, non verde”, in cui si evidenzia come il problema più that environmental or climate to focus on the liberties that are eroded by claims based on false ideologies.
It is evident that the West is undergoing the attack you want to defend their economic resources by strengthening and protecting their own markets but to the detriment of the interests of citizens. Of all disqualifying
this page, this whole story frankly impressive, for lightness and business suite, can in fact seize the new and alarming character of the arguments used to impose a tax on the taxpayer new taxes and new taxes on the grounds of grave sin and evil originated on each of us from guilt due to their conduct of life, existence and consumption.
Through the writings of Ronald Dworkin published by the Harvard University Press, which follow the line of thought of Pigou, you should therefore seek to introduce any corrective ideology that sustains the negative externalities produced. It is considered so that any activity can produce effects on third or better on public goods, must be accompanied by an opposite sign, that is compensatory in nature.
With what is therefore seeking to legitimize all the new environmental taxes that are difficult to harmonize the tax system with a focus on the principle of ability to pay.
It is at this moment the energy-climate universally understood by ordinamenti come una zona su cui esercitare una creatività fiscale e al contempo degno di canali di investimento privilegiati, sempre da un punto di vista fiscale, senza troppo preoccuparsi se queste tecnologie verdi siano effettivamente un buon affare e se siano questi i tempi migliori per schierarsi così drasticamente rispetto ad un solo settore economico senza considerare il momento di generale e grave crisi dell’intero sistema economico.
Così facendo si è dunque inventata una green industry fatta, per il momento, di reti intelligenti (smart grid), di surplus CO2 captato con flotte navali negli oceani, stoccato nelle miniere abbandonate, e con una moltiplicazione ossessiva di professioni collegate alle energie rinnovabili, agli esperti, verifiers, labels the professional staff for the checks to imagine millions and millions of units when, at the moment, only appear prosperous clientele of small numbers and still experimental technology, which should take place and the place, employment and in the production of metal industries, steel industries, coal industries, industry construction and automobile industries etc.. The purpose of this paper is therefore to have shed the mask of those presumed innocent supporters of the climate problem that seems particularly at European level - with the appointment last minute, for the first time in the history of the Executive Committee of the Union European Union, a new wallet, Climate Action, entrusted to the Commissioner Connie Hedegaard Danish - are determined to move forward with your eyes closed to a second blow, creating a huge expense to bend the climate according to their own interpretations, very questionable, indeed, probably unfounded.

Carlo Ripa di Meana
Giulio Cuzzolaro


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