Sunday, February 7, 2010

My Panty Keeps Peeking Out From The Jeans



The new ruling class that has conquered the city of Prato must with prudent wisdom but with intelligent determination, change 67 years of ingrained habits harmful, rust mechanisms of government, large and small plots of consolidated interests. It is not enough. Everything must be efficient with timely, informed and carved with a lexicon directed, dry, without question. That echoes to the extent possible, the immortals phonemes that the Head, with planned measure, proposed the people cheering.
But Will our heroes Prato follow, albeit with difficulty, leading up to the new lexicon of abandoning, who had, your personal speech? Someone will do it naturally, just now discovering that it is capable of dialogue is also reduced, recurrent and mandatory. Others, who do not know what the neighbors will we humanly, obtorto neck, squeeze their already acquired skills and qualified expression. In this case, dear friends, noblesse n'oblige pas.
To verify the assumption we have chosen a somewhat 'random, some examples of the new vocabulary that is derived from the corridors of power, he lies on the columns of newspapers and unhindered movement in the halls of conferences .
- "We provided the policy, we are building a better city" (Councillor Mondanelli, The Nation, January 9, 2010) In this case we find a real automatic introjection of the axiom of the first Berlusconi way: "I got in field to build a better Italy. " In our case it is only fair, with respectful admiration, that the Councillor concerned more than others can almost every day, driven by Verve physically similar to the maximum leader, perhaps unknowingly approached the orthodox language of PDL.
- "I see foreigners on Saturday and Sunday (not a hallucination). Until now it had never success. "(Councillor Sills. The Nation January 26, 2010) Warning! We are faced with two balls and powder samples that have to excel in this tiny literary agon. Notice how the sentence of Silli, is just the revival but also conceited custom, believe it or repeated the famous phrase of his boss: "work seven days a week, fourteen hours a day would be indecent to ask whether there might be a perfect match with the famous three-hour dedication Berlusconi, according to him, every night continuously engaged in erotic activities. However, forced to become one never knows.
- "If the Chinese community had begun to pay contributions for fifteen years, not today only we could buy a helicopter (I'd imagine that the famous Blitz) but we bought (sic) a head for every citizen "(Frederick Tosoni, Provincial Commissioner of the Northern League, the nation 21Gennaio) How many times do you think it would be great to meet a person recklessly felice.Ma rarely happens! Instead, here, we've got to Prato. Commissioner Fleenor who salute with admiration and envy.
PS We have in our notes dozens of phrases similar to those reported. But not all carriers slang phrases spappagallano Berlusconi. We have a few, among the suckers who play obviously improved, the brainy axioms Capezzone, others that almost manage to imitate the inconsistencies of speech is Mr nice. Gasparri, or approach someone already with a good chance, the uncontrolled ejection of the words of Minister La Russa. The trend is worrying because the term is long, and many imitators. It will be our endless dangerously addictive.

Carlo Montain

February 7, 2010


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